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如何在Ruby on Rails 3.2中使用jQuery?

[英]How do I use jQuery in Ruby on Rails 3.2?

I am a newbie in Ruby on Rails and need to know what things we have to be careful about if we are willing to use jQuery in a Ruby on Rails application. 我是Ruby on Rails的新手,并且需要知道如果我们愿意在Ruby on Rails应用程序中使用jQuery,我们需要注意哪些事项。

In my view page I have: 在我的查看页面中,我有:

<script type="text/javascript" src= "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>

It gives the first alert as expected, but for the second alert it says '$' is not defined. 它按预期给出第一个警报,但是对于第二个警报,它说未定义“ $”。

I have the jquery-rails gem installed. 我安装了jquery-rails gem。

The browser points out that I have a missing reference in my application.js file. 浏览器指出,我的application.js文件中缺少参考。

  require jquery;
  require jquery_ujs;

I saw some file examples where they mention it like: 我看到了一些文件示例,其中有这样的示例:

= require jquery;
= require jquery_ujs;

But adding'=' raises an IDE error in my IDE. 但是添加'='会在我的IDE中引发IDE错误。

Add this to you application.js: 将此添加到您的application.js:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

and add this to your Gemfile: 并将其添加到您的Gemfile中:

gem 'jquery-rails'

Also make sure you have this in you application layout: 还要确保在应用程序布局中包含以下内容:

<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>

Just a note: avoid using tags in your code, move your javascript to your assets folder. 请注意:避免在代码中使用标签,请将javascript移至资产文件夹。

There is a typo in your code: text/javas c ript . 有一个在你的代码一个错字: text/javas Ç ript This causes the script to not be parsed. 这将导致脚本无法解析。

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