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[英]python regular expression to remove repeated words

I am very new a Python我是 Python 新手

I want to change sentence if there are repeated words.如果有重复的单词,我想改变句子。


  • Ex.前任。 "this just so so so nice" --> "this is just so nice" “这真是太好了”-->“这真是太好了”
  • Ex.前任。 "this is just is is" --> "this is just is" “这就是就是”-->“这就是”

Right now am I using this reg.现在我正在使用这个 reg。 but it do all so change on letters.但它确实在字母上发生了变化。 Ex.前任。 "My friend and i is happy" --> "My friend and is happy" (it remove the "i" and space) ERROR “我的朋友和我很高兴”-->“我的朋友和我很高兴”(它删除了“我”和空格)错误

text = re.sub(r'(\w+)\1', r'\1', text) #remove duplicated words in row

How can I do the same change but instead of letters it have to check on words?我怎样才能做同样的改变,但它必须检查单词而不是字母?

Non- regex solution using itertools.groupby :使用itertools.groupby非正则表达式解决方案:

>>> strs = "this is just is is"
>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> " ".join([k for k,v in groupby(strs.split())])
'this is just is'
>>> strs = "this just so so so nice" 
>>> " ".join([k for k,v in groupby(strs.split())])
'this just so nice'
text = re.sub(r'\b(\w+)( \1\b)+', r'\1', text) #remove duplicated words in row


  • \\b: Matches Word Boundaries \\b:匹配词边界

  • \\w: Any word character \\w:任意单词字符

  • \\1: Replaces the matches with the second word found \\1:用找到的第二个单词替换匹配项

     import re def Remove_Duplicates(Test_string): Pattern = r"\\b(\\w+)(?:\\W\\1\\b)+" return re.sub(Pattern, r"\\1", Test_string, flags=re.IGNORECASE) Test_string1 = "Good bye bye world world" Test_string2 = "Ram went went to to his home" Test_string3 = "Hello hello world world" print(Remove_Duplicates(Test_string1)) print(Remove_Duplicates(Test_string2)) print(Remove_Duplicates(Test_string3))


    Good bye world
    Ram went to his home
    Hello world

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