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[英]C# function to cast multiple datarow values as null if dbnull is detected

My Linq-to-SQL program is returning quite a few values from my SQL Server database some of which the values can be null and others not. 我的Linq-to-SQL程序从我的SQL Server数据库返回了很多值,其中一些值可以为null,而其他则不能。

If the DataTable column is cast as string, this is not an issue. 如果DataTable列强制转换为字符串,这不是问题。 However when it is cast as decimal, I get error messages stating decimal cannot be null. 但是,当将其强制转换为小数时,我收到错误消息,指出小数不能为null。

What I need to find out is how I can handle these effectively whilst keeping my code neat. 我需要找出的是如何在保持代码整洁的同时有效地处理这些问题。

// Create DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.add("Deal", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.add("Price", typeof(decimal) ?? typeof(DBNull));

// Create Linq Query
var query =
    from quer in table 
    select new  

Here I create my datarows before inserting into the table: 在这里,我在插入表之前创建数据行:

var datarows = query.Select(r =>
    var row = dt.NewRow();
    row["Deal"] = r.deal_id;
    row["Price"] = r.price;

Now to ensure that my datarow can handle Nulls, I can just make it nullable but it's not necessary. 现在要确保我的数据行可以处理Null,我可以将其设置为可为空,但这不是必需的。

dt.Columns.add("Deal", typeof(string?));

But for the decimal field I have to do this: 但是对于十进制字段,我必须这样做:

if (r.price == DBNull.Value)
    row["Price"] = null;

Now I have to do about 50 of these if statement checks per table I'm designing. 现在,我必须在设计的每个表中执行大约50个if语句检查。 Can I just pass it to a function to do? 我可以将其传递给函数吗?

You could set your DataColumn to accept DBNull values: 您可以将DataColumn设置为接受DBNull值:

// Create DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

dt.Columns.add(new DataColumn( "Deal", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.add(new DataColumn( "Price", typeof(decimal)){AllowDBNull = true});

// Create Linq Query
var query =
    from quer in table 
    select new  

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