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用指针打印二进制搜索树C ++的奇怪方法

[英]Strange way of printing Binary Search Tree C++ with pointers

I was going through a lecture and it showed some code that prints out a binary search tree recursively like this 我正在听一次讲座,它显示了一些代码,像这样递归地打印出二进制搜索树

void printTree(node *t){

I understand what it is doing but I don't understand the pointers. 我了解它在做什么,但我不了解这些指针。 The function is passing a pointer to a node yet in the 'cout' line, it is trying to access the key value in the node struct without dereferencing it first. 该函数正在将指针传递到尚未在'cout'行中的节点,它试图访问节点结构中的键值而不先取消引用它。 What I mean is, shouldn't it be something like 我的意思是,不应该是这样


instead? 代替?

Actually, -> is a dereferencing operator. 实际上, ->是解引用运算符。 You can make a choice: 您可以选择:

cout<<t->key<<endl; or cout<<(*t).key<<endl; cout<<(*t).key<<endl;

但是绝对不是“(* t)-> key”-这将是双重deref,如果不是崩溃,可能是编译错误。

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