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[英]How to delete and rename files in C on windows

I am working on program which renames or deletes the files in the file system. 我正在研究重命名或删除文件系统中文件的程序。 I am using C and it works well on linux machine but fails on windows. 我正在使用C,它在Linux机器上运行良好,但在Windows上无法运行。 i use gcc compiler suit. 我使用gcc编译器套件。 and following is the code it does not delete the files from my file system. 以下是它不会从我的文件系统中删除文件的代码。

Thanks in advance 提前致谢


int main()
 printf("Program demonstrating file renaming and file deletion. \n");

 printf("Enter file name to be deleted : ");
 char fdelete[25];



 printf("Enter file name to be renamed : ");
 char frename[25];



 if (remove(fdelete)!=0)
  printf("error deleting the file.\n");

 if(rename("test2.txt",frename)!=0)   //test2.txt is the original file
  printf("eeror renaming the file.\n");

return 0;

Your code has a lot of problems. 您的代码有很多问题。

char fdelete[25];

This might have been at least close to acceptable 20 years ago, but nowadays the chances of a file name over 25 characters long are pretty high. 这可能至少已接近20年前的可接受水平,但是如今,文件名超过25个字符的可能性非常高。 You probably want to use FILENAME_MAX . 您可能要使用FILENAME_MAX


This (calling fflush with a file opened for input as its argument) gives undefined behavior. 这(使用打开的文件作为输入参数调用fflush )会产生未定义的行为。 Just don't do it. 只是不要这样做。


gets is a serious source of security problems. gets是安全问题的严重根源。 Never use it. 永远不要使用它。 Use fgets instead. 改用fgets

char frename[25];

Same problem as with fdelete . fdelete相同的问题。


Same problems as above. 与上述相同的问题。

All that said, remove should delete a file provided there are no other links to that file and the name you pass to it is the name of an actual file. 话虽如此, remove应该删除一个文件,前提是该文件没有其他链接,并且您传递给它的名称是实际文件的名称。

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