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[英]Ember dynamic segments without emberdata

I'm struggling with the dynamic segments of routes. 我正在努力应对动态路线。 Here is my code 这是我的代码

        this.resource('stuff', {path: '/stuff/:stuff_id'}, function() {

        App.StuffRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
            model: function(param) {
        setupController: function (){
            renderTemplate: function() {

       App.StuffView= Ember.View.extend({
         defaultTemplate: Ember.Handlebars.compile(stuffTemplate)

       App.StuffController = Ember.Controller.extend();

What should I put in the model of StaffRoute that I stop getting No route matched the URL 'crisis' errors? No route matched the URL 'crisis'错误的StaffRoute ,应该在StaffRoute模型中StaffRoute什么? for localhost/#stuff and how can I set up properly the dynamic segment part? for localhost/#stuff ,如何正确设置动态段部分? My only problem with the ember documentation is, that all the examples use ember-data that is not production ready and I don't want to use it. 我对ember文档的唯一问题是,所有示例都使用了尚未准备生产的ember数据,并且我不想使用它。

Without ember-data you would typically put direct getJSON with jQuery inside the model method on the route. 如果没有ember-data,通常会在路线的model方法内放置带有jQuery的直接getJSON。 The model methods supports promises so you can reuse the jQuery promise. model方法支持诺言,因此您可以重用jQuery诺言。

For instance given the route to load a list of images for the /images/tag route using the Flickr api would be, 例如,假设使用Flickr api为/images/tag路由加载图像列表的路由是,

App.Router.map(function() {
  this.resource('images', { path: '/images/:tag'});

App.ImagesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function(params) {
    flickerAPI = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?jsoncallback=?';
    console.log('ImagesRoute.model', params);

    return jQuery.getJSON( flickerAPI, {
      tags: params.tag,
      tagmode: 'any',
      format: "json"
    .then(function(data) {
      console.log('loaded images', data);
      return data;
    .then(null, function() { console.log('failed to load images'); });

The corresponding controller can access/bind to the properties of the returned json automatically. 相应的控制器可以自动访问/绑定到返回的json的属性。 Or you can alias a few computed properties. 或者,您可以为一些计算属性添加别名。

App.ImagesController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  images: function() {
    return this.get('model').items;
  title: function() {
    return this.get('model').title;

And then render it via handlebars using these properties. 然后使用这些属性通过车把渲染。

<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='images'>
{{#each image in images}}
  <img {{bindAttr src='image.media.m'}} />

Here's a jsbin example that does this. 这是一个执行此操作的jsbin示例

'/stuff/:stuff_id' matches only /stuff/something , not '/stuff' . '/stuff/:stuff_id'仅匹配/stuff/something ,而不匹配'/stuff'

Try to define separate resource: 尝试定义单独的资源:

this.resource('stuffs', {path: '/stuff'});
this.resource('stuff', {path: '/stuff/:stuff_id'}, function() {
    // routes ...

or 要么

this.resource('stuffs', {path: '/stuff'}, function() {
    this.resource('stuff', {path: '/:stuff_id'}, function() {
        // routes ...

and use App.StuffsRoute , App.StuffsView and App.StuffsController for this resource. 并为此资源使用App.StuffsRouteApp.StuffsViewApp.StuffsController

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