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[英]Infopath Field “From Field” Unavailable

I am trying to create an Email Template using MS-Office InfoPath and need to have the email template sent from a group email and not myself. 我正在尝试使用MS-Office InfoPath创建电子邮件模板,并且需要从组电子邮件(而非我自己)发送电子邮件模板。 Unfortunately Infopath only allows me to use the fields "To:", "CC:", "Bcc:", "Subject" (I don't see the "From" field) 不幸的是,Infopath仅允许我使用字段“收件人:”,“抄送:”,“密件抄送”,“主题”(我看不到“发件人”字段)

Is there a way I can put this in? 有什么办法可以放入吗?

Just an FYI, this is what I am doing. 仅供参考,这就是我正在做的。

1) Infopath designer 2) New "Blank Form" 3) "Design Form" 4) "Data" tab 5) To E-mail. 1)Infopath设计器2)新建“空白表单” 3)“设计表单” 4)“数据”选项卡5)到电子邮件。

Checked all over the net but getting the feeling Infopath does not allow this. 通过网络进行了全面检查,但感觉到Infopath不允许这样做。 Does anybody know if this is possible? 有人知道这是否可能吗?

Kind regards 亲切的问候

Using the default EmailSubmitConnection will not give you a "From" field. 使用默认的EmailSubmitConnection不会为您提供“发件人”字段。

As far as I know; 我所知道的; because InfoPath uses Outlook to submit the form it will send it from the default account so it will be "From" that account. 因为InfoPath使用Outlook提交表单,它将通过默认帐户发送该表单,因此它将是“来自”该帐户。 It wouldn't be necessary to include a "From" field on the DataConnection in this case because it is automatically completed when the form is sent. 在这种情况下,不必在DataConnection上包含“发件人”字段,因为发送表单时它会自动完成。

If you really want to send from an alternative account then you will need to look into using either the Outlook interop or manually create and send the email using System.Net.Mail . 如果您确实想从备用帐户发送邮件,则需要使用Outlook互操作程序进行调查,或者使用System.Net.Mail手动创建并发送电子邮件。

Either way you will have to use code so you may want to re-evaluate what you are trying to achieve unless you are already able and willing to code your own solution. 无论哪种方式,您都必须使用代码,因此除非您已经能够并且愿意编写自己的解决方案,否则您可能需要重新评估要实现的目标。

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