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如何在 PyQt 中获取按钮或标签(QPushButton、QLabel)的背景颜色

[英]How to get the background color of a button or label (QPushButton, QLabel) in PyQt

I am quite new to PyQt.我对 PyQt 很陌生。 Does anyone tell me how to get the background color of a button or label (QPushButton, QLabel) in PyQt.有没有人告诉我如何在 PyQt 中获取按钮或标签(QPushButton、QLabel)的背景颜色。

Here is a sample code.这是一个示例代码。 This will help you.这会帮助你。

QPushButton button1, button2;

//To get Background color
QColor color = button1.palette().button().color();

//To set fetched color
button2.setStyleSheet("background-color:" + color.name() +";");

I haven't used PyQt, but I think API should be very similar to C++.我没有使用过 PyQt,但我认为 API 应该与 C++ 非常相似。 To get background color of QWidget-based class, first get its palette and then call QPalette::color() with QPalette::Window role.要获取基于 QWidget 的类的背景颜色,首先获取其调色板,然后使用QPalette::Window角色调用QPalette::color()

This worked for me这对我有用

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QWidget
import sys

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QWidget()

myLabel = QLabel()
colorOfmyLabel = myLabel.palette().window().color().name()


the output:输出:


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