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与另一个解析一个Typesafe Config对象

[英]Resolve one Typesafe Config object with other

I want to resolve one Config object, say config1 with other, say config2 . 我想解析一个Config对象,例如config1 ,另一个config2

The only public API that allows something of the sort is config1.withFallback(config2).resolve() . 唯一允许某种排序的公共API是config1.withFallback(config2).resolve() However this adds entries from config2 to config1 which is not something we want. 然而,这增加了条目从config2config1这不是我们想要的东西。

On some investigation, we found a non-public class named ResolveContext which provides a method for that. 经过一些调查,我们发现了一个名为ResolveContext的非公共类,该类提供了一种方法。 So we are making use of that using reflection. 因此,我们正在通过反射来利用它。 Our current code: 我们当前的代码:

object ConfigImplicits {
  implicit class RichConfig(val config: Config) extends AnyVal {
    def resolveWith(source: Config): Config = {
      val resolver = resolveContext.getDeclaredMethod(

    def underlyingAbstractConfigObject = {
      val f = simpleConfig.getDeclaredField("object")

  val resolveContext = Class forName "com.typesafe.config.impl.ResolveContext"
  val abstractConfigValue = Class forName "com.typesafe.config.impl.AbstractConfigValue"
  val abstractConfigObject = Class forName "com.typesafe.config.impl.AbstractConfigObject"
  val configResolveOptions = classOf[ConfigResolveOptions]
  val simpleConfig = Class forName "com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig"

We realize that relying on non-public innards might not be a good idea. 我们认识到,依靠非公共内部不是一个好主意。 So: 所以:

  1. Is there a public method, that we somehow missed, which already does this? 有某种我们已经错过的公共方法吗?
  2. If not, shall we make a pull request? 如果没有,我们可以提出要求吗?

There is not AFAIK a public method. 没有AFAIK公共方法。 A less-fragile workaround instead of relying on private API might be to first resolve with your source object in there as a fallback, then iterate over the keys in the source object you resolved from and just remove those unwanted keys from the target object. 一个不那么脆弱的解决方法而不是依赖私有API可能是先解析源对象在其中作为后备,然后迭代所解析的源对象中的键,然后从目标对象中删除那些不需要的键。

I can't think of a reason not to add a Config.resolveWith(), though I wonder if there was a reason since I do remember considering it. 我想不出一个不添加Config.resolveWith()的理由,尽管我想知道是否有原因,因为我确实考虑过。 Maybe I just figured nobody would use it. 也许我只是认为没有人会使用它。

If you do a pull request, be sure to include tests and docs. 如果您提出拉取请求,请确保包括测试和文档。 I think the pull request is reasonable, assuming it turns out to be very little code (as I would expect). 我认为pull请求是合理的,假设它原来是很少的代码(正如我期望的那样)。 The current master branch is open for API additions, to appear in an eventual 1.2 release. 当前的master分支已打开,可以添加API,最终出现在1.2版本中。

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