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[英]How to Sort Excel Column S.T. Rows w/ Null/Empty Column Cell Go On Top?

I have several rows that have data and 'flags' that are raised adjacent to the data when a macro is run. 运行宏时,我有几行具有数据和“标志”的行,这些行与数据相邻。 For example: 例如:
First Name | 名字 | Last Name | 姓氏 | Flag

John  | Smith  | Needs a Bath 
Cindy | LuWho  | 
Bob   | Loblaw | Needs a Bath

Goal: 目标:
I want the rows w/o flags (ie where column C == NULL/Empty string) to be sorted to the top and then sort by column B by A->Z to get this: 我希望行w / o标志(即列C == NULL /空字符串)排序到顶部,然后按B列排序A-> Z得到这个:

Cindy | 辛迪| LuWho | LuWho |
Bob | 鲍勃| Loblaw | Loblaw | Needs a Bath 需要洗个澡
John | 约翰| Smith | 史密斯| Needs a Bath 需要洗个澡

What I've Tried: 我试过的:
Using Excel 2007's 'Sort', I've done Sort By (Column C), Sort On (Values) Sort By (A to Z) and (Z to A). 使用Excel 2007的“排序”,我完成了排序依据(C列),排序(值)排序依据(A到Z)和(Z到A)。 Both A to Z and Z to A result in the flagged rows on top, not the bottom. A到Z和Z到A都会导致顶部而不是底部的标记行。

Before: 之前: 在此输入图像描述 After: 后:

I ultimately want the code, but I'm currently trying to figure out how to do it by hand so I can then get the code through Excel's 'Record Macro'. 我最终想要代码,但我现在正试图弄清楚如何手动完成它,以便我可以通过Excel的“记录宏”获取代码。

Per my comment above, the problem is that you are using a formula that evaluates to an empty string. 根据我上面的评论,问题是您使用的计算结果为空字符串。 If the field was actually empty, you'd have the behavior you are looking for. 如果该字段实际上是空的,那么您将拥有所需的行为。

Here's a dirty-but-it-works approach: 这是一种肮脏但却有效的方法:

  1. Make a new column to the right. 在右侧创建一个新列。 Use the formula =IF(C2<>"",2,1) and fill down. 使用公式=IF(C2<>"",2,1)并填写。
  2. Hide the column from prying eyes (just right-click on the grey column header at top to hide it) 从窥探中隐藏列(只需右键单击顶部的灰色列标题即可隐藏它)
  3. Sort by this column instead of C. 按此列排序而不是C.

I ended coming up with a solution that IMO, is more elegant than @Poweruser 's creating another column, populating it, hiding it, and then using sort on the hidden column. 我结束了IMO的解决方案,比@Poweruser创建另一个列,填充它,隐藏它,然后在隐藏列上使用sort更优雅。 My method utilizes font color changes based on conditional formatting and sorts off of that. 我的方法使用基于条件格式的字体颜色更改并对其进行排序。

  1. Select desired range of column that contains blank values you want to sort by 选择包含要排序的空白值的所需列范围
  2. Use Conditional Formatting>New Rule>'Use a formula to determine which cells to format' and in the textbox use the formula =IF(INDIRECT("RC",0)="",TRUE,FALSE) 使用条件格式>新规则>'使用公式确定要格式化的单元'并在文本框中使用公式=IF(INDIRECT("RC",0)="",TRUE,FALSE)
  3. Select 'Format...', select 'Font' tab and change the Font color to something not black or 'Automatic', apply changes 选择“格式化...”,选择“字体”选项卡并将字体颜色更改为非黑色或“自动”,应用更改
  4. Using 'Sort', have 'Sort By' be the column with the blank cells, 'Sort On' be 'Font Color', and for 'Order By' change Automatic to whatever color you selected and have it be 'On Top' 使用'Sort','Sort By'是带有空白单元格的列,'Sort On'是'Font Color',对于'Order By',将Automatic更改为您选择的任何颜色并将其设置为'On Top'

With a little bit of tinkering of the recorded macro, I got the following working code (which also sorts by value another column after sorting for the 'blank' cells): 通过对录制的宏进行一点修补,我得到了以下工作代码(在对'空'单元格进行排序后,它还按值排序另一列):

For oRow = 2 To iFinalRow
    ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(oRow, 5).Select
    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight2
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
Next oRow

ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.SORT.SortFields.Add(Range("E:E"), _
    xlSortOnFontColor, xlAscending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = RGB(31, 73, 125)
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.SORT.SortFields.Add _
    Key:=Range("D1"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption _
With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.SORT
    .SetRange Range("A:F")
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With

One of the solutions is to replace blanks with single quote ( ' ) before sorting. 其中一个解决方案是在排序之前用单引号( ' )替换空格。 It is not visible but it is not NULL . 它不可见但不是NULL See the code example: 请参阅代码示例:

Public Sub Sort_blanks()

    Dim lastrow As Integer

    ' The number of the last row
    lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    ' Replace blanks with with single quote
    Range("C2:C" & lastrow).Select
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
    Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "'"
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' Sort
    Range("A:C").Sort key1:=Range("C:C"), key2:=Range("B:B"), _
        order1:=xlAscending, order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes

End Sub

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