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[英]Unable to use FirstOrDefault on SqlParameterCollection

There is a method that examines an SqlParameterCollection for a ReturnValue parameter and if present checks that value for a constraint violation. 有一种方法可以检查ReturnValue参数的SqlParameterCollection,如果存在,则检查该约束违规的值。

      public static void VerifyUniqueness(this ISqlServerProvider provider, 
OperationType operationType, SqlParameterCollection cp)

Within this method I thought it was enough to first check: 在这种方法中,我认为首先检查是足够的:

if (cp["@ReturnValue"]==null){return;}

but that throws an exception if "@ReturnValue" == null so then I thought I'd use Linq: 但是如果“@ReturnValue”== null则会引发异常,所以我认为我会使用Linq:

cp.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParameterName == "@ReturnValue");

but that wont even compile. 但那甚至不会编译。

'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection' does not contain a definition for 'FirstOrDefault' and no extension method 'FirstOrDefault' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection'不包含'FirstOrDefault'的定义,并且没有可以找到接受类型'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection'的第一个参数的扩展方法'FirstOrDefault'(你是否缺少using指令?或汇编参考?)

System.Linq is referenced so not sure what's going on. System.Linq被引用,因此不确定发生了什么。

The reason you can't use FirstOrDefault is that SqlParameterCollection does not implement IEnumerable<SqlParameter> (on which the LINQ expressions are defined). 你不能使用FirstOrDefault的原因是SqlParameterCollection没有实现IEnumerable<SqlParameter> (在其上定义了LINQ表达式)。

The intended method of checking for a parameter is to use Contains 检查参数的预期方法是使用Contains

if (cp.Contains("@ReturnValue"))

If you really want to use LINQ operators, you can use Cast : 如果你真的想使用LINQ运算符,你可以使用Cast

  .FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParameterName == "@ReturnValue")

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