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如何在*服务器身份验证后使用RCurl *下载大型二进制文件

[英]how to download a large binary file with RCurl *after* server authentication

i originally asked this question about performing this task with the httr package, but i don't think it's possible using httr . 我最初问这个关于用httr包执行这个任务的问题 ,但我认为不可能使用httr so i've re-written my code to use RCurl instead -- but i'm still tripping up on something probably related to the writefunction .. but i really don't understand why. 所以我重新编写了我的代码来使用RCurl - 但我仍然在绊倒可能与writefunction相关的writefunction ......但我真的不明白为什么。

you should be able to reproduce my work by using the 32-bit version of R, so you hit memory limits if you read anything into RAM. 您应该能够使用32位版本的R来重现我的工作,因此如果您在RAM中读取任何内容,则会达到内存限制。 i need a solution that downloads directly to the hard disk. 我需要一个直接下载到硬盘的解决方案。

to start, this code to works -- the zipped file is appropriately saved to the disk. 首先,这段代码可以正常工作 - 压缩文件被妥善保存到磁盘上。

filename <- tempfile()
f <- CFILE(filename, "wb")
url <- "http://www2.census.gov/acs2011_5yr/pums/csv_pus.zip"
curlPerform(url = url, writedata = f@ref)
# 2.1 GB file successfully written to disk

now here's some RCurl code that does not work. 现在这里是一些RCurl代码。 as stated in the previous question , reproducing this exactly will require creating an extract on ipums . 前一个问题所述 ,复制这一点将需要在ipums上创建一个提取。

your.email <- "email@address.com"
your.password <- "password"
extract.path <- "https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/downloads/extract_files/some_file.csv.gz"


values <- 
        "login[email]" = your.email , 
        "login[password]" = your.password , 
        "login[is_for_login]" = 1

curl = getCurlHandle()

    cookiejar = 'cookies.txt', 
    followlocation = TRUE, 
    autoreferer = TRUE, 
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    curl = curl

params <- 
        "login[email]" = your.email , 
        "login[password]" = your.password , 
        "login[is_for_login]" = 1

html <- postForm("https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/users/validate_login", .params = params, curl = curl)
dl <- getURL( "https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/extract_requests/download" , curl = curl)

and now that i'm logged in, try the same commands as above, but with the curl object to keep the cookies. 现在我已登录,尝试与上面相同的命令,但使用curl对象来保留cookie。

filename <- tempfile()
f <- CFILE(filename, mode = "wb")

this line breaks-- 这条线断裂 -

curlPerform(url = extract.path, writedata = f@ref, curl = curl)

# the error is:
Error in curlPerform(url = extract.path, writedata = f@ref, curl = curl) : 
  embedded nul in string: [[binary jibberish here]]

the answer to my previous post referred me to this c-level writefunction answer, but i'm clueless about how to re-create that curl_writer C program (on windows?).. 我上一篇文章的答案提到了这个c级写功能的答案,但我对如何重新创建curl_writer C程序(在Windows上?)一无所知。

writer <- getNativeSymbolInfo("writer", PACKAGE="curl_writer")$address
curlPerform(URL=url, writefunction=writer)

..or why it's even necessary, given that the five lines of code at the top of this question work without anything crazy like getNativeSymbolInfo . ..或者为什么它甚至是必要的,因为这个问题顶部的五行代码没有像getNativeSymbolInfo那样疯狂。 i just don't understand why passing in that extra curl object that stores the authentication/cookies and tells it not to verify SSL would cause code that otherwise works.. to break? 我只是不明白为什么传递存储身份验证/ cookie的额外curl对象并告诉它不要验证SSL会导致代码无法正常工作..打破?

  1. From this link create a file named curl_writer.c and save it to C:\\<folder where you save your R files> 从此链接创建一个名为curl_writer.c的文件,并将其保存到C:\\<folder where you save your R files>

     #include <stdio.h> /** * Original code just sent some message to stderr */ size_t writer(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { fwrite(buffer,size,nmemb,(FILE *)stream); return size * nmemb; } 
  2. Open a command window, go to the folder where you saved curl_writer.c and run the R compiler 打开命令窗口,转到保存curl_writer.c的文件夹并运行R编译器

     c:> cd "C:\\<folder where you save your R files>" c:> R CMD SHLIB -o curl_writer.dll curl_writer.c 
  3. Open R and run your script 打开R并运行脚本

     C:> R your.email <- "email@address.com" your.password <- "password" extract.path <- "https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/downloads/extract_files/some_file.csv.gz" library(RCurl) values <- list( "login[email]" = your.email , "login[password]" = your.password , "login[is_for_login]" = 1 ) curl = getCurlHandle() curlSetOpt( cookiejar = 'cookies.txt', followlocation = TRUE, autoreferer = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE, curl = curl ) params <- list( "login[email]" = your.email , "login[password]" = your.password , "login[is_for_login]" = 1 ) html <- postForm("https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/users/validate_login", .params = params, curl = curl) dl <- getURL( "https://usa.ipums.org/usa-action/extract_requests/download" , curl = curl) # Load the DLL you created # "writer" is the name of the function # "curl_writer" is the name of the dll dyn.load("curl_writer.dll") writer <- getNativeSymbolInfo("writer", PACKAGE="curl_writer")$address # Note that "URL" parameter is upper case, in your code it is lowercase # I'm not sure if that has something to do # "writer" is the symbol defined above f <- CFILE(filename <- tempfile(), "wb") curlPerform(URL=url, writedata=f@ref, writefunction=writer, curl=curl) close(f) 

this is now possible with the httr package. 现在可以使用httr包。 thanks hadley! 谢谢哈德利!

https://github.com/hadley/httr/issues/44 https://github.com/hadley/httr/issues/44

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