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[英]Selecting a subset of rows from a PHP table

I'm pretty new to using SQL, so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for setting up a slightly more complex query than I have needed to use in the past. 我对使用SQL还是很陌生,所以我希望有人可以指出正确的方向来设置比过去需要使用的稍微复杂的查询。

I have a simple mySql table representing a market for a game, which looks like this: (numbers for the purposes of examples later: 我有一个表示游戏市场的简单mySql表,它看起来像这样:(数字用于后面的示例:

id seller price amount
1  tom    330   100
2  tom    370   500
3  tom    400   750
4  jerry  700   250

currently I am loading this table using php: 目前,我正在使用php加载此表:

$items = dbquery("SELECT * 
                  FROM $marketdb 
                  WHERE price=$minprice 
                  ORDER BY amount;");

This is fine, but what I would like to do instead is to only load one row per seller: in particular, I would like to load only the row with the largest value of 'amount' for each seller. 很好,但是我想做的是每个卖方只加载一行:特别是,我只想为每个卖方仅加载'amount'值最大的行。 In the example above, this means the result would only contain the last two lines in the table. 在上面的示例中,这意味着结果将仅包含表中的最后两行。

You can have a subquery which separately get the greatest amount for every seller and join it with the table again to get the extra columns. 您可以有一个子查询,该子查询分别为每个卖方获取最大的金额,然后再次将其与表格结合以获取额外的列。

FROM    tableName a
        INNER JOIN
            SELECT  seller, MAX(amount) amount
            FROM    tableName
            GROUP   BY seller
        ) b ON a.seller = b.seller AND
                a.amount = b.amount

or 要么

FROM    tableName a
WHERE   a.amount =
            SELECT  MAX(amount)
            FROM    tableName b
            WHERE   a.seller = b.seller

both queries will OUTPUT 两个查询都将输出

║  3 ║ tom    ║   400 ║    750 ║
║  4 ║ jerry  ║   700 ║    250 ║

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