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[英]Comparing results returned by query SQLite database

I have written code for comparing user credentials in database. 我已经编写了用于比较数据库中用户凭据的代码。 First I check the username and then based on the returned results, I compare the password. 首先,我检查用户名,然后根据返回的结果比较密码。 If both match, I open another activity. 如果两者都匹配,我将打开另一个活动。 The code seems fine to me, but I have no experience in database stuff, I might be missing somehthing crucial here. 代码对我来说似乎很好,但是我没有数据库方面的经验,我可能在这里缺少一些关键的东西。 The following code is not working for some reason. 以下代码由于某种原因无法正常工作。

public boolean Compare(String username, String pass)
    Cursor c = sqlDB.query(DB_NAME, columns, DB_COL_EMAIL + "='" + username+ "'", null, null, null, null);

    if(c!=null && c.getCount()>0) 
        Toast.makeText(context, "inside check", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        int passwordCol_number= c.getColumnIndex(DB_COL_PASS);
        boolean found = false;


            found = pass.equals(c.getString(passwordCol_number));

                return true;
 return false;

Is there anything I am doing wrong? 我做错了什么吗?

Regards 问候

You should enhance your method as 您应该增强您的方法,因为

public boolean compareLogin(String username, String pass) {
    String where = DB_COL_EMAIL + " = ? AND " + DB_COL_PASS + " = ?";  
    String[] whereParams = new String[]{username, pass};

    Cursor mCursor = db.query(DB_NAME, columns, 

    if (mCursor != null && mCursor.moveToFirst())
        return true;
        return false;

And yes you should read about naming convention in java or Android. 是的,您应该阅读有关Java或Android中的命名约定的信息。

The only thing I see, is that you don't close the cursor. 我唯一看到的是您没有关闭光标。

Do something like so: 做这样的事情:

Cursor c = null;
try {

    /* your stuff in here */

} finally {
    if (c != null) c.close();

This should work in the way you want. 这应该以您想要的方式工作。

public boolean Compare(String username, String pass) {
    Cursor c = sqlDB.query(DB_NAME, columns, DB_COL_EMAIL + "='" + username+ "'", null, null, null, null);

    // No need to check c != null and c.getCount()
    // c will not be null even if no rows returned.

    boolean found = false;
    // c.moveToFirst() will return false if no rows returned
    // so this line should be sufficient
    if (c.moveToFirst()) {
        // while (c.moveToNext()) should be commented
        // remember you just called moveToFirst()?
        // moveToNext() will move to next row
        // and will returned false if no more rows in the cursor

        found = pass.equals(c.getString(passwordCol_number));
    return found;

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