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[英]How do I copy files from parent folder to sub folders using batch file?

Can anyone help me to solve this problem? 谁能帮我解决这个问题?

Eg : 例如:

  1. FolderA contains 123.txt . FolderA包含123.txt

  2. FolderB contains FolderB1, FolderB2, etc. FolderB包含FolderB1, FolderB2, etc.

I want to copy the files from FolderA to FolderB1, FolderB2, etc. using batch file. 我想使用批处理文件将文件从FolderA复制到FolderB1, FolderB2, etc.


FOR /D %%d IN (\Path\to\FolderB\*) DO copy \Path\to\FolderA\123.txt "%%~d"
pushd "\Path\to\folderB"
for /r /d %%a in (*) do cd "%%~fa" & copy "\Path\to\FolderA\123.txt"


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