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[英]Storing data using array reference

I have a file looks like this 我有一个文件看起来像这样

ConfigFile 配置文件

run Test3
run Test1

TestDir File TestDir文件




TestFile1 测试文件1

Test 1
  Command1 Value
  Command2 Value

  Command4 Value
  Command1 Value
  Sleep    4
  Command5 Value

TestFile2 测试文件2

Test 3
  Command3 Value
  Sleep    4

 Command9  Value
  Command10 Value
  Sleep     2 

what I want to do is open each TestFile and read it and just store the data within the {..} in a Test hash having key as Testname(ie.Test1,Test3) and value for the key would be the command value pair withing the test 我想要做的是打开每个TestFile并读取它,然后将数据存储在{..}中的Test哈希中,该哈希中的键为Testname(即Test1,Test3),并且该键的值是与考试

Can anyone help me out.Thanks 谁能帮我一下。谢谢

I wonder if your data file format has been decided arbitrarily? 我想知道您的数据文件格式是否是任意决定的? It is a dreadful design, and you should stick with it only if you are constrained to using it, say by a third party. 这是一个可怕的设计,只有在您限制使用它(例如第三方)的情况下,才应坚持使用它。 If you have a choice then there are many established data file formats and you should simply adopt one of those. 如果您可以选择的话,那么有很多已建立的数据文件格式,您只需采用其中一种。 JSON is deservedly popular at the moment and there are excellent Perl modules to handle it available from CPAN. JSON目前当之无愧地流行,并且有出色的Perl模块可以从CPAN获得处理它的功能。

If you decide to stick with your original design then this program will do what you ask. 如果您决定坚持原始设计,那么此程序将满足您的要求。

use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

my (%tests, $commands, $test);

for my $file (qw/ testfile1.txt testfile2.txt /) {
  open my $fh, '<', $file;
  while (<$fh>) {
    if (/\{/) {
      $commands = [];
    elsif (/\}/) {
      $tests{$test} = $commands if $test and @$commands;
      $commands = undef;
    elsif ($commands) {
      push @$commands, [ split ' ', $_, 2 ] if /\S/;
    else {
      $test = $1 if /(\S(?:.*\S)?)/;

use Data::Dump;
dd \%tests;

output 输出

  "Test 1" => [["Command1", "Value"], ["Command2", "Value"]],
  "Test 3" => [["Command3", "Value"], ["Sleep", 4]],
  "Test2"  => [
                ["Command4", "Value"],
                ["Command1", "Value"],
                ["Sleep", 4],
                ["Command5", "Value"],
  "Test8"  => [["Command9", "Value"], ["Command10", "Value"], ["Sleep", 2]],

You could write your own parser, but you're not likely to have a good time. 您可以编写自己的解析器,但是不太可能玩得开心。 If you convert your data files to JSON or YAML , then you'll be able to read your files into memory without much hassle. 如果将数据文件转换为JSONYAML ,则可以轻松地将文件读取到内存中。

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