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[英]Can I take the output of an exe program and pass that into a vbscript as a parameter

I have an executable program called conApp.exe , that retrieves information from BIOS and displays it to the screen as a string of text. 我有一个名为conApp.exe的可执行程序,该程序从BIOS中检索信息并将其作为文本字符串显示在屏幕上。

So, if I type conApp.exe from an elevated command prompt, I get the text string displayed to the screen 因此,如果我从提升的命令提示符下键入conApp.exe ,我将在屏幕上显示文本字符串。

For example; 例如;


Typically I redirect that output to a text file so I can use it in another script. 通常,我会将输出重定向到文本文件,以便可以在另一个脚本中使用它。

for example; 例如; c:\\windows\\system32>conApp.exe > biosVer.txt

What I would like to do is pass the string of text generated by conApp.exe into variable in a VBScript file and manipulate that text within the VBScript. 我想做的是将conApp.exe生成的文本字符串传递到VBScript文件中的变量中,然后在VBScript中操纵该文本。

for example; 例如; testscript1.vbs conApp.exe

How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Thanks, 谢谢,

Dave 戴夫

Use WScript.StdIn in your .vbs and feed it via | 在您的.vbs中使用WScript.StdIn并通过| (pipe): (管):

copy con double.vbs
WScript.Echo 2 * CInt(WSCript.StdIn.ReadLine())

echo 2 | cscript double.vbs

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