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[英]PHP help needed for Login script

When I login with the correct username and password I get an error "Wrong Username or Password" the database connection works and I think there is something wrong with the password + username check. 使用正确的用户名和密码登录时,出现错误“用户名或密码错误”,数据库连接正常,我认为密码+用户名检查有问题。

    $host="mysql12-int.cp.hostnet.nl"; // Host name
    $username="u33936_mick"; // username
    $password="//password was correct"; // password
    $db_name="db33936_axe"; // Database name
    $tbl_name="users"; // Table name

    mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password");

    $myusername = stripslashes($myusername);
    $mypassword = stripslashes($mypassword);
    $myusername = mysql_real_escape_string($myusername);
    $mypassword = mysql_real_escape_string($mypassword);
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 0, 30 WHERE username="$myusername" and        


    } else {
      echo "Wrong Username or Password";

This is my form 这是我的表格

     <form name="login" method="post" action="login.php">
                <fieldset id="inputs">
                    <input id="myusername" type="text" name="myusername"    
    placeholder="Username" required="">  
                    <input id="mypassword" type="password" name="mypassword"      
    placeholder="Password" required="">
                <fieldset id="login.php">
                    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Login">

Foremost, I suggest you look in to transitioning away from the deprecated mysql_* family of functions in favor of mysqli ( docs ) or PDO ( docs ), neither of which require any significant change on your part as far as code goes. 最重要的是,我建议您着眼于从不推荐使用的mysql_*函数系列过渡到mysqlidocs )或PDO( docs ),这两者都不需要对代码进行任何重大更改。

As for your specific bug, it appears that you are incorrectly concatenating the values into the query. 至于您的特定错误,看来您是在错误地将值连接到查询中。 Also, your WHERE and LIMIT order is incorrect and invalid SQL. 另外,您的WHERELIMIT顺序不正确且无效的SQL。 Here is the correct form: 这是正确的形式:

$sql = '
        username="'.$myusername.'" AND 
    LIMIT 0, 30 

It is not clear what advantage you bring by using the LIMIT statement. 尚不清楚使用LIMIT语句会带来什么好处。 Either you should have one matching row, or none. 您应该有一个匹配的行,或者没有。 If anything, I would use LIMIT 1 . 如果有的话,我将使用LIMIT 1 If you got 30 rows back, what would you do with them!? 如果您退回30行,您将如何处理它们?

Converting to PDO is easy! 转换为PDO很容易! The same query in PDO would look like this: PDO中的相同查询如下所示:

$host="mysql12-int.cp.hostnet.nl"; // Host name
$username="u33936_mick"; // username
$password="//password was correct"; // password
$db_name="db33936_axe"; // Database name

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$db_name, $username, $password);
$sth = $pdo->prepare('
            username=:username AND 
        LIMIT 0, 30 
$sth->execute(array('username'=>$myusername, 'password'=>$mypassword));
$user = $sth->fetch();

Note that when you use PDO with bound parameters (shown here), you DO NOT have to sanitize with mysql_real_escape_string or addSlashes as you have done in your code. 请注意,当您使用带有绑定参数的PDO(如此处所示)时, addSlashes像在代码中那样对mysql_real_escape_stringaddSlashes进行清理。

It is not clear where you are defining $mypassword and $myusername , but if you are using registered globals then you should alter your code. 目前尚不清楚您在哪里定义$mypassword$myusername ,但是如果您使用注册的全局变量,则应该更改代码。 Get the values directly from $_POST . 直接从$_POST获取值。 addSlashes is NOT safe, and neither are registered globals. addSlashes是不安全的,也不是已注册的全局变量。

Documentation 文献资料

A few problems: 一些问题:

  • You should use $_POST['myusername'] etc. to get the posted variables. 您应该使用$_POST['myusername']等获取发布的变量。 If you are relying on register_globals you should turn that off as it is deprecated and poses a security risk; 如果您依赖register_globals ,则应将其关闭,因为它已过时且存在安全风险;
  • The LIMIT clause comes at the end in mysql; LIMIT子句位于mysql的末尾;
  • You should not modify the sent-in information using functions like stripslashes and escape functions, instead you should use prepared statements with bound variables in PDO / mysqli as the mysql_* functions are deprecated and passwords can contain for example slashes. 您不应该使用诸如stripslashes和转义函数之类的stripslashes来修改发送的信息,而应该在PDO / mysqli中使用带有绑定变量的准备好的语句,因为不建议使用mysql_*函数,并且密码可以包含例如斜杠。

As a side-note, you should really salt and hash your password, don't store plain text passwords in your database. 附带说明一下,您应该对密码进行加密和哈希处理,不要在数据库中存储纯文本密码。

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