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[英]How to know if a transactional method in a grails service was successful?

I have something like this: 我有这样的事情:

class SomeService {
   static transactional = true

    def someMethod(){

} }

I want to know if the transactional method was successful or not, I don't want to check the error property in each domain object because the logic involve many domain classes and it would be difficult. 我想知道事务方法是否成功,我不想检查每个域对象中的error属性,因为逻辑涉及许多域类,而且这很困难。

Use 采用

a.save(failOnError: true) 
b.save(failOnError: true)
c.save(failOnError: true) 
d.save(failOnError: true)

I'm assuming what you want is the service to throw exception on error of a single domain save, and rollback the transaction in such cases. 我假设您想要的服务是在单个域保存错误时引发异常,并在这种情况下回滚事务。

There are number of ways you can check the same:- 您可以通过多种方式进行检查:-

  1. As you do not want to trace all the saves in the service class, I guess you would also not like tracing each of the save to set failOnError flag too. 由于您不想跟踪服务类中的所有saves ,因此我想您也不想跟踪每个保存都设置failOnError标志的情况。 Alternative approach is to set grails.gorm.failOnError=true in Config.groovy which automatically checks for each save and throws a ValidationException in case validation on domain class fails. 另一种方法是在Config.groovy设置grails.gorm.failOnError=true ,如果对域类的验证失败,它将自动检查每个保存并抛出ValidationException ValidationException is a RuntimeException therefore transaction will be rolled back if one thrown. ValidationException是一个RuntimeException因此如果抛出一个事务,该事务将被回滚。 Have a look at failOnError to get the idea. 看一下failOnError可以得到这个主意。

  2. (Little less verbose in your case) Save method returns the domain object itself in case of a success otherwise null if validation fails. (在您的情况下,稍为冗长)Save方法在成功的情况下返回域对象本身,在验证失败时返回null。 Again you have trace all the saves to check something like if(a.save()){...} , if(b.save()){...} , blah, blah.... 再次,您将跟踪所有saves以检查类似if(a.save()){...}if(b.save()){...} ,等等等等。

  3. (I think the appropriate approach) Will be to use TransactionAspectSupport to get the transaction status and check if it is set to rollback only. (我认为适当的方法)将使用TransactionAspectSupport来获取事务状态并检查它是否设置为仅回滚。 If it is not then you are good. 如果不是,那你就很好。

For example: 例如:

def someMethod(){
      //It can also be used as a last line in method instead of checking
      //in catch block.
      println TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().isRollbackOnly() 

   //println TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().isRollbackOnly() 


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