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[英]populate multidimensional array from MySQL query

I am trying to create multidimensional array from MySQL query 我试图从MySQL查询创建多维数组

Query: 查询:

    $STH = $DBH->query( "SELECT  value, o_ID, oName, date,  
                         DATE_FORMAT(date, '%d %m %Y') as FDate,
                         DATE_FORMAT(tsTime, '%H:%i') as FTime
                         FROM test tst
                         LEFT JOIN object o
                         ON  tst.o_ID =o.oID
                         WHERE DATE(date) = '$date'
                         ORDER BY FDate, FTime, oName ASC");

Loop: 环:

$returnValue = array();
$data = array();

while ( $row = $STH->fetch() ) {

   $returnValue[$row['oName']] = 
         $data[] = array(
              'time' => $row['FTime'], 'value' => $row['value']

Output: 输出:


how can I put all values in $data array? 如何将所有值放在$ data数组中?

Desired output: 期望的输出:


Try this: 尝试这个:

while ( $row = $STH->fetch() ) {
    $returnValue[] = array(
       'time' => $row['FTime'], 'value' => $row['value']

Give this a shot: 试一试:

$returnValue = array();
while ( $row = $STH->fetch() )
   if (!$returnValue[$row['oName']])
       $returnValue[$row['oName']] = array();
   $returnValue[$row['oName']][]= array(
          'time' => $row['FTime'], 'value' => $row['value']

That should give you what you want. 这应该给你你想要的。

The difference here is that, if the oName -key doesn't exits, I create it, and assign it a new, empty array, then I add a new assiciative array to that array. 这里的区别在于,如果oName没有退出,我创建它,并为它分配一个新的空数组,然后我向该数组添加一个新的assiciative数组。
When the oName of row N already has a matching key, I'm not going to reassign that key, but I'm just going to push an extra array to that key. 当行N的oName已经有匹配的键时,我不打算重新分配该键,但我只是将一个额外的数组推送到该键。

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