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Adobe Air应用程序中的角半径

[英]Corner radius in Adobe Air application

How can we make rounded corners on the vbox control in the Air application? 我们如何在Air应用程序的vbox控件上制作圆角?

I am hiding the header and setting transparent to true, but then it does not show me rounded corners on the VBox in the application. 我隐藏了标题并将透明设置为true,但是然后它没有在应用程序的VBox上显示圆角。 I am showing this VBox to the user. 我正在向用户显示此VBox。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You can do this by implementing a custom Border: 您可以通过实现自定义边框来做到这一点:

package your.package

  import flash.display.*;
  import flash.geom.*;
  import flash.utils.*;

  import mx.skins.halo.HaloBorder;
  import mx.utils.GraphicsUtil;

  public class RoundedBorder extends HaloBorder 

    private var topCornerRadius:Number;
    private var bottomCornerRadius:Number;
    private var setup:Boolean;

     * Get the CSS style attributes from the element to which to apply this
     * gradient. 
    private function readElementCssStyles():void
      topCornerRadius = getStyle("cornerRadius") as Number;
      if (!topCornerRadius)
        topCornerRadius = 0;

      bottomCornerRadius = getStyle("bottomCornerRadius") as Number;
      if (!bottomCornerRadius) 
        bottomCornerRadius = topCornerRadius;

     * Paint the gradient background.
     * @param unscaledWidth
     * @param unscaledHeight
    override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
      super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);   
      var rectWidth:Number 
          = unscaledWidth - this.borderMetrics.left - this.borderMetrics.right;
      var rectHeight:Number 
          = unscaledHeight - this.borderMetrics.top - this.borderMetrics.bottom; 


      var topRadius:Number = Math.max(topCornerRadius-2, 0);
      var bottomRadius:Number = Math.max(bottomCornerRadius-2, 0);



Then in your MXML application you have to define a CSS class for your VBox like this: 然后,在MXML应用程序中,您必须为VBox定义CSS类,如下所示:

      border-thickness: 1;
      border-skin: ClassReference("your.package.RoundedBorder");
      corner-radius: 5;

I have ripped this code out of a more complex class. 我已将此代码从更复杂的类中剔除。 Hope I did not forgot anything and that it will work as posted. 希望我没有忘记任何东西,希望它能如期发布。

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