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[英]Is there any way to get the single value from hashmap.?

在此处输入图片说明 When I try to retrieve the values from HashMap i use getValue method. 当我尝试从HashMap检索值时,我使用getValue方法。 but the getValue method is inside the iteration tag in Struts2 so, it is displaying even unwanted values. 但是getValue方法位于Struts2的迭代标记中,因此,它甚至显示不需要的值。 how can i avoid this? 我如何避免这种情况? here in my JSP page i am creating table, where i want to set the orderdate from database inside the <th> tags. 在我的JSP页面上,我正在这里创建表,我想在其中设置<th>标记中来自数据库的orderdate i mean from HashMap i am receiving orderdate , result, dataamount , count. 我的意思是从HashMap我正在接收orderdate ,结果, dataamount ,count。 in <th> i want orderdate to go and sit and in <tr> i want remaining three values to go and sit. <th>我要orderdate坐下,在<tr>我要剩余的三个值坐下。 How do i do that ? 我怎么做 ?

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

public class JanuaryAction {
    private String from; // creating variables to access input values.
    private String to; // creating variables to access input values.
    Map abc1 = new HashMap(); // Getting the map objects to store tha values

    public Map getAbc1() { /* Creating the setters and getters */
        return abc1;

    public void setAbc1(Map abc1) {
        this.abc1 = abc1;

    public String getFrom() {
        return from;

    public void setFrom(String from) {
        this.from = from;

    public String getTo() {
        return to;

    public void setTo(String to) {
        this.to = to;

    public Map<String, String> getAbc() {
        return abc;

    public void setAbc(Map<String, String> abc) {
        this.abc = abc;

    Map<String, String> abc = new HashMap<String, String>();

    Map<String, List<ReportClass>> map = new HashMap<String, List<ReportClass>>(); // Using
                                                                                    // Map
                                                                                    // interface
                                                                                    // implementing
                                                                                    // hashmap

    public Map<String, List<ReportClass>> getMap() {
        return map;

    public void setMap(Map<String, List<ReportClass>> map) {
        this.map = map;

    public String execute() throws Exception {

        String fromdate = getFrom();
        String todate = getTo();

        Connection con = GetCon.getCon();
        Statement statement = con.createStatement();

        ResultSet resultset = statement
                .executeQuery("SELECT MarketPlace,OrderDate, ROUND(SUM(Total),2), COUNT(*) , ROUND(ROUND(SUM(Total),2)/ COUNT(*),2) FROM vend_printed WHERE OrderDate >='"
                        + fromdate + "' AND OrderDate <='" + todate + "' GROUP BY OrderDate,MarketPlace");

        while (resultset.next()) {
            String marketplace = resultset.getString(1);// get the first column
                                                        // in marketplace
            String orderdate = resultset.getString(2);// get the second column
                                                        // in orderdate
            Double datamount = resultset.getDouble(3);// get the third column in
                                                        // datamount
            Integer count = resultset.getInt(4);// get the fourth column in
                                                // count
            Double result = resultset.getDouble(5); // get the fifth column in
                                                    // result
            ReportClass a = new ReportClass(); // create an object to access
                                                // pojo class.

            a.setMarketplace(marketplace); // setting the values in pojo class

            if (map.get(marketplace) != null) { // if the value in marketplace
                                                // is null then go to else
                                                // statement or go to if
                                                // statement.
                map.get(marketplace).add(a); // using the key add one complete
                                                // row values from a to
                                                // marketplace
            } else {
                List<ReportClass> optionsVO = new ArrayList<ReportClass>(); // create
                                                                            // a
                                                                            // list
                                                                            // optionsVo
                optionsVO.add(a); // store Reportclass values in List.
                map.put(marketplace, optionsVO); // storing it in map.
                /* System.out.println(map.get(marketplace).toString()); */

        Set s = map.entrySet(); // A map entry (key-value pair).creating Set
                                // interface.
        Iterator i = s.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {

            List<ReportClass> tempList = (List<ReportClass>) ((Entry) i.next()).getValue(); // creating
                                                                                            // a
                                                                                            // temporary
                                                                                            // list

            for (ReportClass reportClassObj : tempList) {
                System.out.println(reportClassObj.getMarketplace());// display
                                                                    // values.

        /* System.out.println(map.size()); */
        return "success";

in my jsp i have a code. 在我的jsp中,我有一个代码。

<s:iterator var="studentEntry" status="stat" value="map.entrySet()">  
Key: <s:property value="%{#studentEntry.getKey()}"/> 
Value: <s:property value="%{#studentEntry.getValue()}"/><br>  


Whether you group entries you have to iterate groups first, then other entries by group through get all values or choose the group which you want to iterate. 不管您是对条目进行分组,都必须先对组进行迭代,然后再逐组访问其他条目,以获取所有值或选择要进行迭代的组。

<s:iterator value="map">  
 <s:iterator var="studentEntry" value="value">
  ReportClass: <s:property value="%{#studentEntry.toString()}"/><br> 

Actually you don't need to use entrySet just use map variable as value attribute of <s:iterator> tag and value keyword as value of second iterator. 实际上,您不需要使用entrySet只需将map变量用作<s:iterator>标记的value属性,并将value关键字用作第二个迭代器的值。 Then you can directly reference properties of your ReportClass inside the iterator in <s:property> tag. 然后,您可以在<s:property>标签中的迭代器中直接引用ReportClass <s:property>

<s:iterator value="map">  
  <s:iterator value="value">
      <tr><th colspan="3"><s:property value="orderdate"/></th></tr>
        <td><s:property value="dataamount"/></td>
        <td><s:property value="count"/></td>
        <td><s:property value="result"/></td>

try the below code, it must work. 试试下面的代码,它必须工作。

<s:iterator value="map"> 
<s:iterator value="key">
<s:iterator value="value">
<th><s:property value="orderdate"/></th>
<td rowspan="4"><s:property value="marketplace"/></td>
<tr> <td><s:property value="dataamount"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><s:property value="count"/></td></tr>
<tr><td><s:property value="result"/></td></tr>

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