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[英]Get content of a div

<div class="options">
              <option value="nothing">Nothing</option>
              <option value="snothing">Second Nothing</option>

I want to get the content of the DIV and print it inside javascript in a selector. 我想获取DIV的内容并在选择器中的javascript中打印出来。

$(document).ready(function () {
    var options = $('.options').html();
        var content = '<select>' + options + '</select>';


I need to take options from the HTML. 我需要从HTML中获取选项。 I've created a div indise <select></select> tags, because I had no other idea. 我创建了一个div <select></select>标签,因为我没有其他想法。 But it's not working! 但这不起作用! I tried to put the options var inside <p></p> tags so i can print it, it sais 'undefined'. 我试图将选项var放在<p></p>标记中,以便我可以打印它,它表示“未定义”。

Assuming the missing > is a typo, your structure is invalid. 假设缺少的>是拼写错误,则您的结构无效。 select elements cannot have div elements as direct children . select元素不能将div元素作为直接子元素

You could do this: 可以这样做:

<select class="options">
    <option value="nothing">Nothing</option>
    <option value="snothing">Second Nothing</option>

And then 接着

var options = $('.options').html();

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Firstly, remove the <div> . 首先,删除<div> It's not helping you at all. 它根本没有帮助您。 Then, if you want just the options: 然后,如果只需要这些选项:

$("select").html(); // to get the HTML

or 要么

var something = $("select options"); // to get an array of jQuery objects

我想,您想要的是: $('select').html(options)$('select').append(options) ,其中options是html字符串,例如"<option value='1'>One</option>" ,或jquery元素集合,例如$('option')

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