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android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException:字符串资源 ID

[英]android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID

Application throws an exception应用程序抛出异常

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException:字符串资源 ID

My case wasn't that common (since given ID does exist).我的情况并不常见(因为给定的 ID 确实存在)。 I asked this question to answer it by myself.我问这个问题是为了自己回答。

Please see below my answer why could this happen and why it happend for me.请参阅下面我的回答,为什么会发生这种情况以及为什么会发生在我身上。

You maybe already found that this error happens when you are trying to set some integer as a string like: somewhere in the code some_variable was declared as int and you want to show its value so you are trying to set it to some_textview using setText() method:您可能已经发现当您尝试将某个整数设置为字符串时会发生此错误,例如:在代码中的某处some_variable被声明为int并且您想显示其值,因此您尝试使用setText()将其设置为some_textview方法:

int some_variable = 0;
TextView txtView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.someTextView);
... some code/calculations etc...
txtView.setText(some_variable); // exception! some_variable is an int value

also it could be a result returned by any method which returns int as a result, like:它也可以是任何返回 int 作为结果的方法返回的结果,例如:

txtView.setText(someString.length());// exception! String.length() returns an int value
txtView.setText(someSet.size());// exception! Set.size() returns an int value


these causes the Resources$NotFoundException cuz there is no String resource with such number (id).这些会导致Resources$NotFoundException因为没有具有此类编号 (id) 的String资源。
As you most probably know at every build time there is a R.java file being created in build folder.您很可能知道在每次构建时都会在构建文件夹中创建一个R.java文件。 This file contains static variables where every declared in string.xml String has its own unique id with some int value and this id you use in code as R.string.该文件包含静态变量,其中在 string.xml String声明的每个变量都有自己的唯一id和一些 int 值,这个id在代码中用作 R.string。 id .身份证 This is the reason of exception - system will try to find R.string.这就是异常的原因 - 系统将尝试查找 R.string。 id string corresponding to given value but obviously fails in most cases. id字符串对应于给定的值,但在大多数情况下显然失败。 Also this is a reason why setText() accepts integer values and IDE don't warn you.这也是 setText() 接受整数值而 IDE 不警告您的原因。 In some cases it could happen that your some_variable by chance will have a value which corresponds to some id .在某些情况下,您的some_variable可能会偶然具有与 some id相对应的值。 These are tricky cases because no exception will be thrown and you will see some unexpected text (actually corresponding to R.string. id ) instead of variable value.这些都是棘手的情况,因为不会抛出异常,并且您会看到一些意外的文本(实际上对应于 R.string. id )而不是变量值。
The solution to this issue is simple (if some_variable 's value must be shown):此问题的解决方案很简单(如果必须显示some_variable的值):


There are also a number of people who are trying to set the int value in the same manner to the Toast message like:还有一些人试图以相同的方式将int值设置为Toast消息,例如:

int some_variable = 0;
... some code/calculations etc...
Toast.makeText(this, some_variable, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), someSet.size(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

The fix is the same:修复方法是一样的:

int some_variable = 0;
... some code/calculations etc...
Toast.makeText(this, String.valueOf(some_variable), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), String.valueOf(some_Set.size()), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

You maybe met approach which uses Integer(some_variable).toString() method.您可能遇到过使用Integer(some_variable).toString()方法的方法。 Its not bad.它不错。 However this means 1 extra operation (wrapping int value to Integer) will be applied and that only integer value could be used (or NumberFormatException will be thrown) while for String.valueOf(some_variable) value type doesn't matter, it works for any type of value, including all primitives (float, double, byte, long etc) and will never throw any exception.然而,这意味着将应用 1 个额外的操作(将 int 值包装为整数)并且只能使用整数值(或将抛出NumberFormatException )而对于String.valueOf(some_variable)值类型并不重要,它适用于任何值的类型,包括所有原语(float、double、byte、long 等)并且永远不会抛出任何异常。
Also there are some other cases - rare cases are described here and the point is to clean the project in IDE.还有一些其他情况 - 这里描述了罕见的情况,重点是在 IDE 中清理项目。
In case if you are pretty sure you don't pass any integers in a manner described above and moreover this happens with released app and did not happen while developing it could be a Locale case.如果您非常确定您没有以上述方式传递任何整数,而且这种情况发生在已发布的应用程序中,并且在开发时没有发生,则可能是Locale情况。 If your app has Locale depending String resources and when you tested it you probably did it using your region specific Locale device(s) and thus no issues was detected.如果您的应用程序具有Locale依赖String资源,并且当您测试它时,您可能使用您所在地区特定的Locale设备进行了测试,因此未检测到任何问题。 However (bear in mind!) in such case you must provide a default strings.xml located in res\\values folder of a project and if you missed it this is the case.但是(请记住!)在这种情况下,您必须提供位于项目res\\values文件夹中的默认strings.xml ,如果您错过了它,情况就是如此。 Assume some user, lets say, from a Germany (who's device default Locale is DE) tries to run such app which only has strings.xml in folders values-en and values-it (but there is no strings.xml in values nor in values-de folders).假设某个用户,比如说,来自德国(其设备默认Locale为 DE)的用户试图运行这样的应用程序,该应用程序在文件夹values-envalues-it只有strings.xml (但在valuesvalues-it文件夹中都没有strings.xml values-de文件夹)。 In this case app will try to locate values-de\\strings.xml first but fails, then it will try to use default values\\strings.xml and fails once again so it will crash throwing Resources$NotFoundException .在这种情况下,应用程序将首先尝试定位values-de\\strings.xml但失败,然后它将尝试使用默认values\\strings.xml并再次失败,因此它将崩溃抛出Resources$NotFoundException
The fix for this issue is, like I mentioned before, to provide a default strings.xml in res\\values folder of a project so for any unsupported locale the default one will be used (usually english).解决这个问题的方法是,就像我之前提到的,在项目的res\\values文件夹中提供一个默认的strings.xml ,因此对于任何不受支持的语言环境,将使用默认的语言环境(通常是英语)。 Another way is to set a proper default locale for your app at run time (in Application extended class for instance) if it runs on a device with unsupported locale, like (assume you want to use en locale by default):另一种方法是在运行时为您的应用程序设置适当的默认语言环境(例如在应用程序扩展类中),如果它在具有不受支持的语言环境的设备上运行,例如(假设您希望默认使用en语言环境):

    Locale locale = getAppLocale(context);
    String localeLang = locale.getLanguage();
    // default locale is EN but available are EN and RU
    if (!localeLang.equalsIgnoreCase("en") && !localeLang.equalsIgnoreCase("ru")) {
        locale = new Locale("en");
    Configuration config = new Configuration();
    config.locale = locale;

    context.getResources().updateConfiguration(config, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

只需使用 String.valueOf(your_value_here) 当您尝试在 textview 中设置 int 数据类型但尝试 String.valueOf() 函数时,通常会发生此错误。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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