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[英]Updating auto_increment value in an InnoDB table

Short version: Can I programatically update the auto_increment value on a table? 简短版:我可以以编程方式更新表上的auto_increment值吗? I'm trying to do this via the mysql init_file so it happens on startup, but I don't see it working. 我正在尝试通过mysql init_file来执行此操作,因此它会在启动时发生,但我看不到它起作用。

USE theDb;

SELECT max(maxid) FROM (SELECT max(RegistrationId)+1 maxid FROM Registration
SELECT max(RegistrationId)+1 maxid FROM RegistrationArchive) t into @maxId;


Longer version: I have a mysql database with InnoDB tables. 较长的版本:我有一个带有InnoDB表的mysql数据库。 One table (holding registration info) has an auto increment column and when a row is processed, it is copied to a second archive table and is deleted from the first. 一个表(包含注册信息)具有一个自动递增列,当处理一行时,它将被复制到第二个存档表,并从第一个存档表中删除。 The archive table does not have an auto increment column. 存档表没有自动递增列。 (btw, not my design...) (顺便说一句,不是我的设计...)

Problem is that when the database is restarted for some reason, which is infrequent, the first table recalulates the next increment value -- a feature of InnoDB. 问题是,由于某种原因(很少见)重新启动数据库时,第一个表将重新计算下一个增量值-InnoDB的功能。 The table will often be empty or very small and the calculated next increment will correspond to an id that has already been used and is in the archive table. 该表通常是空的或很小,并且计算出的下一个增量将对应于已使用且在存档表中的ID。 The data gets moved to archive ok, but subsequent processes don't work right after that. 数据被移到了可以的存档位置,但之后的后续处理将无法正常工作。

I know this is a late, but after asking this related question , I found out that certain parts of an sql statement need to be literals and can't be replaced by user_defined_variables. 我知道这已经晚了,但是在问了这个相关问题之后 ,我发现sql语句的某些部分需要是文字,不能用user_defined_variables代替。 If you need to change such parts of an SQL statement you need to use prepared statements . 如果需要更改SQL语句的此类部分,则需要使用准备好的语句

So you need to do something like this: 因此,您需要执行以下操作:

SET @`stmt_alter` := CONCAT('ALTER TABLE `Registration` AUTO_INCREMENT = ', @`maxId`);
PREPARE `stmt` FROM @`stmt_alter`;
EXECUTE `stmt`;

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