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如何使用 git 将文件从一个分支复制到另一个分支?

[英]How can I copy files from a branch to another using git?

I have a git repository with two branches: master and gh-pages .我有一个带有两个分支的 git 存储库: mastergh-pages If I want to copy a file foo from master to gh-pages without merging them.如果我想将文件foomaster复制到gh-pages而不合并它们。 What command should I use?我应该使用什么命令? Many thanks.非常感谢。

You can:你可以:

git checkout gh-pages
git checkout master foo
git commit -m 'Add file foo to gh-pages.'

If you want to compare all the diffs between 2 branches: you can use git difftool master gh-pages or git difftool <SHA1 of gh-pages> .如果您想比较 2 个分支之间的所有差异:您可以使用git difftool master gh-pagesgit difftool <SHA1 of gh-pages> .

If you want to get diff for specific list of files follow this :如果您想获取特定文件列表的差异,请遵循以下步骤

git diff master gh-pages -- path/to/file

也可以在提交foo后从mastergh-pages进行cherry-pick。(在cherry-pick 之后必须执行git add [path to foo]并提交)

The Way I would do it: When you commit you have a choice of what to commit and push.我会这样做:当你提交时,你可以选择提交和推送什么。 So commit only foo from master then push it, Then just merge that on github/bitbucket whatever to gh-pages所以只从master提交foo然后推送它,然后在 github/bitbucket 上将它合并到gh-pages


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