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[英]How to get more tweets by using twitter4j and parse to json?

I am using twitter4j to retrieve tweets from Twitter. 我正在使用twitter4j从Twitter检索推文。 As we know, we can only retrieve tweets less than 7 days. 众所周知,我们只能检索不到7天的推文。 Also we can only get 100 real time tweets. 另外,我们只能获得100条实时推文。 But I want to retrieve more than that. 但我想检索的不止于此。 After searching, I found that we can use setSince and setUntil to get more than 100 tweets . 搜索之后,我发现我们可以使用setSincesetUntil来获取100多个推文 But when I used setSince and setUntil , I still can only get real-time tweets. 但是当我使用setSincesetUntil ,我仍然只能获得实时推文。 Besides, I want to know how to parse my tweets to json format ? 此外,我想知道如何将我的推文解析为json格式
Here's my code: 这是我的代码:

public static void main(String[] args) throws TwitterException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, SQLException 

        ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(cb.build());
        Twitter twitter = tf.getInstance();
        Query query = new Query("KEYWORD");
        query.geoCode(new GeoLocation(XXX, XXX), 200, Query.KILOMETERS);
        QueryResult result = twitter.search(query);

If you are trying to get the 1000 most recent tweets in a search, for example, you should use query.setMaxId() to the lowest # - 1 from your previous batch. 例如,如果您尝试在搜索中获取1000条最新的tweet,则应将query.setMaxId()用于前一批次中最低的#-1。 If you are trying to get new(er) tweets since your last query, you should use query.setSinceId() to start from the value returned in result.getMaxId() from the previous batch. 如果你想自上次查询来获取新的(ER)的鸣叫,你应该使用query.setSinceId()以从返回的值开始result.getMaxId()一个批次。

See here 这里

Instead of a query you could use getUserTimeline(userid, page) 可以使用getUserTimeline(userid, page)代替查询

int tweetCount = 250;
long userId = 12312323;  
twitter.getUserTimeline(userId, new Paging(1, tweetCount));

Documentation: http://twitter4j.org/oldjavadocs/3.0.0/twitter4j/api/TimelinesResources.html#getUserTimeline%28long,%20twitter4j.Paging%29 文档: http : //twitter4j.org/oldjavadocs/3.0.0/twitter4j/api/TimelinesResources.html#getUserTimeline%28long,%20twitter4j.Paging%29

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