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[英]A weekly review in org-mode

I'd like to generate an agenda view from org-mode which includes completed TODO items from the previous week. 我想从org-mode生成一个议程视图,其中包括上周完成的TODO项目。 The following snippet seems like the prefered way to do it from reading the docs. 以下代码段似乎是通过阅读文档来实现它的首选方式。 However there are no items displayed in the agenda, only dates... 但是,议程中没有显示任何项目,只有日期......

    (setq org-agenda-custom-commands 
      '(("W" "Completed and/or deferred tasks from previous week"
         ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 7)
              (org-agenda-start-day "-7d")
              (org-agenda-entry-types '(:timestamp :sexp))))))))

For example, the built in command Caa produces a list like this in the *Org Agenda* buffer 例如,内置命令Caa*Org Agenda*缓冲区中生成这样的列表

Week-agenda (W27):
Monday      1 July 2013 W27
  gtd:        Scheduled:  DONE something important
Tuesday     2 July 2013
Wednesday   3 July 2013
Thursday    4 July 2013
Friday      5 July 2013
Saturday    6 July 2013
Sunday      7 July 2013

...but the custom command CaW as defined above produces this (despite various scheduled tasks during the period) ...但是上面定义的自定义命令CaW产生了这个(尽管在此期间有各种计划任务)

Week-agenda (W26):
Monday     24 June 2013 W26
Tuesday    25 June 2013
Wednesday  26 June 2013
Thursday   27 June 2013
Friday     28 June 2013
Saturday   29 June 2013
Sunday     30 June 2013

Alternatively is there another way to generate a list of DONE items from the previous week? 或者是否有另一种方法来生成上周的DONE项目列表?

After some trawling through Chv output, it looks like this is possible using log display in the agenda. 在通过Chv输出进行一些拖网之后,看起来可以使用日程显示在议程中。 (ie Caa then pressing l in the *Org-Agenda* buffer) (即Caa然后在*Org-Agenda*缓冲区中按l

A custom command to produce something close enough to the required output looks like this... 产生足够接近所需输出的东西的自定义命令看起来像这样......

   (setq org-agenda-custom-commands 
      ("W" "Completed and/or deferred tasks from previous week"
       ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-span 7)
            (org-agenda-start-day "-7d")
            (org-agenda-entry-types '(:timestamp))
            (org-agenda-show-log t)))))) 

It may be possible to further limit display by tags... 有可能通过标签进一步限制显示...

By definition, the agenda only displays things to do, not completed (ie, DONE) things. 根据定义,议程只显示要做的事情,而不是完成(即完成)的事情。

Hence, you must use another type of command: 因此,您必须使用其他类型的命令:

(todo "DONE"

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