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[英]What is the Ruby equivalent of PHP's compact?

Given some local variables , what would be the easiest way to compact them in Ruby? 给定一些局部变量 ,在Ruby中compact它们最简单的方法是什么?

def foo
  name = 'David'
  age = 25
  role = :director
  # How would you build this:
  # { :name => 'David', :age => 25, :role => :director }
  # or
  # { 'name' => 'David', 'age' => 25, 'role' => :director }

In PHP, I can simply do this: 在PHP中,我可以简单地这样做:

$foo = compact('name', 'age', 'role');

I came up with a significant improvement on my original answer. 我的原始答案得到了显着改善。 It is cleaner if you inherit from Binding itself. 如果从Binding本身继承,它会更清晰。 The to_sym is there because older versions of ruby have local_variables as strings. to_sym就在那里,因为旧版本的ruby将local_variables作为字符串。

instance method 实例方法

class Binding
  def compact( *args )
    compacted = {}
    locals = eval( "local_variables" ).map( &:to_sym )
    args.each do |arg|
      if locals.include? arg.to_sym
        compacted[arg.to_sym] = eval( arg.to_s ) 
    return compacted

usage 用法

foo = "bar"
bar = "foo"
binding.compact( "foo" ) # => {:foo=>"bar"}
binding.compact( :bar ) # => {:bar=>"foo"}

Original answer 原始答案

This is the nearest I could get to a method that behaves like Php's compact - 这是我能得到的最接近Php compact方法的方法 -

method 方法

def compact( *args, &prok )
  compacted = {}
  args.each do |arg|
    if prok.binding.send( :eval, "local_variables" ).include? arg
      compacted[arg.to_sym] = prok.binding.send( :eval, arg ) 
  return compacted

example usage 示例用法

foo = "bar"
compact( "foo" ){}
# or
compact( "foo", &proc{} )

Its not perfect though, because you have to pass a proc in. I am open to suggestions about how to improve this. 但它并不完美,因为你必须通过一个过程。我愿意接受如何改进它的建议。

This is a variant on Bungus' answer, but here's a one-liner that is decidedly uglier, but doesn't extend Binding or anything: 这是Bungus回答的一个变种,但是这里的单行是非常丑陋的,但不会扩展Binding或任何东西:

foo = :bar
baz = :bin
hash = [:foo, :baz].inject({}) {|h, v| h[v] = eval(v.to_s); h }
# hash => {:baz=>:bin, :foo=>:bar}

You can also make it look kinda-sorta like a method call by abusing a block binding - again, a variant on Bungus' original answer: 您也可以通过滥用块绑定使其看起来像一个方法调用 - 再次,Bungus的原始答案的变体:

module Kernel
  def compact(&block)
    args = block.call.map &:to_sym
    lvars = block.binding.send(:eval, "local_variables").map &:to_sym
    (args & lvars).inject({}) do |h, v|
      h[v] = block.binding.send(:eval, v.to_s); h

foo = :bar
baz = :bin
compact {[ :foo, :bar, :baz ]}
# {:foo=>:bar, :baz=>:bin}

(I'll just tell myself that {[..]} is the trash compactor symbol.) (我只是告诉自己{[..]}是垃圾压缩符号。)

If you use the binding_of_caller gem, you can forgo the proc and explicit binding all together: 如果你使用binding_of_caller gem,你可以放弃proc 显式绑定:

require 'binding_of_caller'
module Kernel
  def compact(*args)
    lvars = binding.of_caller(1).send(:eval, "local_variables").map &:to_sym
    (args.map(&:to_sym) & lvars).inject({}) do |h, v|
      h[v] = binding.of_caller(2).send(:eval, v.to_s); h

foo = :bar
baz = :bin
compact :foo, :bar, :baz
# {:foo=>:bar, :baz=>:bin}

Be warned, it's slow. 请注意,它很慢。 In production code, you should probably never attempt to do this and instead just keep a hash of values so the programmer who has to maintain this after you doesn't hunt you down and kill you in your sleep. 在生产代码中,你可能永远不应该尝试这样做,而只是保留一个值的哈希,以便程序员必须在你没有追捕并在睡眠中杀死你之后保持这一点。

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