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[英]Credit card number format

I'm trying to create a nifty credit card number input field that automatically formats a credit card number as a user types it in. Here's what I have: 我正在尝试创建一个漂亮的信用卡号输入字段,该字段会在用户输入时自动格式化信用卡号。这是我所拥有的:

# Whenever the credit card input changes, update its value.
$(".credit-card-number").on "input", ->

  # retrieve the credit card number
  creditCardNumber = $(this).val()

  # remove everything that's not a number
  creditCardNumber = creditCardNumber.replace(/[^\d]+/g, "")

  # ensure the value isn't more than 16 characters long
  creditCardNumber = creditCardNumber[0..15]

  # break apart the value every four numbers
  creditCardNumber = creditCardNumber.match(/.{1,4}/g)

  # insert spaces in the value when the value isn't null
  creditCardNumber = if creditCardNumber? then creditCardNumber.join(" ") else ""

  # set the value

This works perfectly on the following HTML: 这在以下HTML上非常有效:

<input class="credit-card-number" id="credit_card_number" name="credit_card_number" placeholder="Credit card number" type="text">

However, if I set the input's type to number , whenever I update the value and the value contains a space, Chrome changes the value to the empty string. 但是,如果我将输入的类型设置为number ,则每当我更新该值并且该值包含空格时,Chrome都会将该值更改为空字符串。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Another thing you can do is use <input type="tel" /> instead of number . 您可以做的另一件事是使用<input type="tel" />代替number I prefer to use that anyway for getting a numeric keyboard on mobile devices if you only want to input digits. 如果您只想输入数字,无论如何我还是喜欢使用它在移动设备上安装数字键盘。

The formatting of the credit card number will work with tel . 信用卡号的格式将与tel

Scrap my previous answer. 取消我以前的答案。

The reason that you can't have the space is because jQuery is performing a validation of sorts on the value you are trying to set. 您没有空间的原因是因为jQuery对您要设置的值执行了排序验证。 Space is not allowed in a number, and so it's clearing the value. 数字中不允许有空格,因此清除了值。 The exact same thing happens when you enter a letter. 当您输入字母时,会发生完全相同的事情。

There is nothing stopping you (at least in Chrome) from entering letters into a <input type="number"> field. 没有什么能阻止您(至少在Chrome中)在<input type="number">字段中输入字母。 It's just not valid and AFAIK if you submit the form, that field will contain an empty value (haven't tested this). 这只是无效的,如果您提交表单,则AFAIK无效,该字段将包含一个空值(尚未对此进行测试)。

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