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[英]Installer for Python Executable on Windows

I'm trying to figure out a way to create an installer for a python application that I have created an executable for using cx freeze. 我试图找出一种方法来为我创建了使用cx Frozen的可执行文件的python应用程序创建安装程序。 I'd like to be similar to the windows standard installation wizard, but I would also like to be able to customize it as much as possible (removing windows, adding logos where the standard blue windows computer is, etc.). 我想与Windows标准安装向导类似,但是我也希望能够对其进行尽可能的自定义(删除Windows,在标准的蓝色Windows计算机所在的位置添加徽标等)。

The major requirments are: 主要要求是:

  • needs to be able to install .Net (and possibly other dependencies) 需要能够安装.Net(可能还有其他依赖项)
  • needs to be able to add program to start-up processes 需要能够将程序添加到启动过程
  • look and feel (logos, banners, etc.) need to be able to be customized 外观(徽标,横幅等)需要能够进行自定义

I've tried Inno Setup, and while this gets my pretty close to what I want but does not give me some of the customization I need. 我已经尝试了Inno Setup,虽然这使我非常接近我想要的东西,但是却没有提供我所需的一些自定义设置。

A good example of installation wizards I'm trying to replicate would be the ones for Firefox or Chrome. 我要复制的安装向导的一个很好的例子是Firefox或Chrome。

I know that I can create a custom installation wizard for this sort of thing from scratch if needed. 我知道我可以根据需要为这种事情创建自定义安装向导。 I just wasn't sure if something already existed for this, or if there was some utility that would allow me to do this. 我只是不确定是否为此已经存在某种东西,或者是否有某种实用程序可以让我做到这一点。

I developed a Python/GTK/OpenGL based desktop application in the past and in order create the executable and an installer I've used PyInstaller + NSIS . 过去,我开发了基于Python / GTK / OpenGL的桌面应用程序,为了创建可执行文件和安装程序,我使用了PyInstaller + NSIS NSIS is what you're asking for: it's quite flexible, you may want to give a try. NSIS是您所要的:它非常灵活,您可能需要尝试一下。

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