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[英]Custom JComboBox hiding JPopupMenu

I'm having a little headache with a situation. 我对某种情况感到有点头疼。 Maybe some of you have been through this before and can show me another way or even my error here. 也许你们中的一些人之前已经经历过这个,并且可以在这里向我展示另一种方式甚至我的错误。

I need to add a JTree inside a JComboBox and the code below works like a charm. 我需要在JComboBox中添加一个JTree,下面的代码就像一个魅力。

public class HierarchyComboBox extends JComboBox {
    HierarchyTree ht = new HierarchyTree();
    HierarchyComboBox box;
    JPopupMenu popup;
    MouseAdapter adapter = new MouseAdapter() { 
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
            if (arg0.getClickCount() == 1) {
//              ((JPopupMenu) comp).setVisible(false);

    PopupMenuListener listener = new PopupMenuListener() {
        public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) {
            if (box == null) {
                box = (HierarchyComboBox) e.getSource();
                if (popup == null) {
                    final Object comp = box.getUI().getAccessibleChild(box, 0);
                    if (!(comp instanceof JPopupMenu))
                    popup = (JPopupMenu) comp;
                ht.getTreePane().setPreferredSize(new Dimension(box.getWidth(), 200));
                MyTree tree = (MyTree)ht.getTreePane().getViewport().getComponent(0);
        public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent arg0) { }
        public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent arg0) { }

    public HierarchyComboBox() {

but I added this component to 2 different dialogs. 但我将此组件添加到2个不同的对话框中。
The first one I can click and the selection is added to the JComboBox 我可以点击的第一个和选择添加到JComboBox

and the second, doing EXACTLY the same instantiation, and the same tests 第二,完全相同的实例化和相同的测试

The component has a different behaviour: 该组件具有不同的行为:
- The JPopupMenu disappears - JPopupMenu消失了
- It doesn't add the selection to the combo - 它不会将选择添加到组合中

Any ideas here? 这里有什么想法?
Thanks in advance.. 提前致谢..

As shown in Providing a Custom Renderer , "A combo box uses a renderer to display each item in its menu." 提供自定义渲染器中所示 ,“组合框使用渲染器在其菜单中显示每个项目。” You could render the tree in a custom ListCellRenderer . 可以在自定义ListCellRenderer呈现树。 Alternatively, 或者,

  • Render the tree in an adjacent component in response to an ActionListener . 在相邻组件中渲染树以响应ActionListener

  • Use a hierarchical model, shown here . 使用此处显示的分层模型。

I noticed that the JPopupMenu was loosing it's focus. 我注意到JPopupMenu正在失去它的焦点。

The solution was to add the component as the last component of the Panel. 解决方案是将组件添加为Panel的最后一个组件。

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