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[英]Selecting MySQL records with chance

I have a MySQL table with 3 fields as follows. 我有一个包含3个字段的MySQL表,如下所示。

id, name, chance
1001, name1, 1
1002, name2, 3
1003, name3, 1

I want to randomly select a record 100 times. 我想随机选择100次记录。 Out of 100 times, I want record id 1001 to be selected 20 times (1/5 chance), record id 1002 to be selected 60 times (3/5 chance), and record id 1003 to be selected 20 times (1/5 chance). 在100次中,我希望记录ID 1001被选择20次(1/5几率),记录ID 1002被选择60次(3/5次机会),并且记录id 1003被选择20次(1/5)机会)。

How to do that in MySQL and/or PHP? 如何在MySQL和/或PHP中做到这一点?

Many thanks in advance! 提前谢谢了!

To generate a random number in php use 在php中使用生成随机数

int rand ( int $min , int $max )

Then use a series of if statements. 然后使用一系列if语句。

For example: 例如:

$random = rand (1,100);
if ($random <= 20){
$id1001 = $id1001 + 1;
else if ($random > 20 and $random < 80){
$id1002 = $id1002 + 1;
else if ($random > 80 and $random < 100){
$id1003 = $id1003 + 1;

Doing this in SQL is a bit challenging. 在SQL中执行此操作有点挑战性。 If your numbers are really so small, the easiest way is by doing a cross join to multiply out the records and then take a random row from there: 如果您的数字真的很小,最简单的方法是通过cross join来乘以记录,然后从那里取一个随机行:

select t.*
from t join
     (select 1 as n union all select 2 union all select 3) n
     on n.n <= t.chance
order by rand()
limit 1;

This works if "chance" is a small integer. 如果“机会”是一个小整数,这是有效的。

Otherwise, I think you need a cumulative sum of chance and then a comparison. 否则,我认为你需要累积的机会总和,然后进行比较。 Something like: 就像是:

select t.*
from (select t.*, (@sumchance := @sumchance + chance) as sumchance
      from t cross join (select @sumchance := 0) const
     ) t cross join
     (select sum(chance) as totchance from t) tot
where rand()*totchance between sumchance - chance and sumchance
limit 1;

This calculates the sum of chance up to a given row (the order doesn't make a difference because this is random). 这计算了到达给定行的机会总和(该顺序没有区别,因为这是随机的)。 It then calculates a random number in the same range and compares it to sumchance - chance and chance . 然后计算相同范围内的随机数并将其与sumchance - chancechance进行比较。 This should return one row, but there is a boundary case where rand()*totchance exactly equals sumchance . 这应该返回一行,但是有一个边界情况,其中rand()*totchance完全等于sumchance Either row could be returned. 可以返回任何一行。 The limit 1 limits it to one row. limit 1将其限制为一行。

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