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[英]Selecting HTML Content of a node LINQ XML

I have XML like this 我有这样的XML

          <title>Reporting Parameters</title>
              <item>Reporting period: January 1st, 2012

I want to select entire content of node including etc. elements but it selects only plain text "Reporting period: January 1st, 2012" , Reason is that it might content some HTML markup which I need to store in database, I am using following query 我想选择包括等元素的节点的全部内容,但只选择纯文本“报告期:2012年1月1日”,原因是它可能包含一些我需要存储在数据库中的HTML标记,我正在使用以下查询

  var components = (from c in cdafile.Root.Elements(ns + "component")
                  select new{
                      name = (string)c.Element(ns + "section").Element(ns + "title").Value,
                      text = (string)c.Element(ns + "section").Element(ns + "text"),

Explicit cast operator is overloaded for XElement ( to return concatenated, inner text of nodes ), use .ToString() to get nodes content: XElement重载了显式强制转换运算符( 以返回级联的节点内部文本 ),请使用.ToString()获取节点内容:

text = c.Element(ns + "section").Element(ns + "text").ToString()

And to get children markup only : 让孩子加价:

text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, c
    .Element(ns + "section").Element(ns + "text")
    .Elements().Select(e => e.ToString())

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