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Wordpress wp-admin登录面临HTTP错误500(内部服务器错误)问题

[英]Wordpress wp-admin login facing with HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error) issue

My WordPress Wp-admin login www.xxx.com/wp-admin/ is used to fine and working. 我的WordPress Wp-admin登录www.xxx.com/wp-admin/用于精细和工作。

But when I log in this time. 但是当我这次登录的时候。 I am facing with this issue. 我正面临着这个问题。

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. HTTP错误500(内部服务器错误):服务器尝试完成请求时遇到意外情况。

however, I can access this page www.xxx.com/wp-login.php but cant login. 但是,我可以访问此页面www.xxx.com/wp-login.php但无法登录。

Any body has any idea with this issues . 任何机构都对这个问题有任何想法。 I do really appreciate for all suggestion . 我真的很感激所有的建议。

I have tried with php.ini file in /wp-admin/ folder by adding with this code "memory_limit = 128M " , but no luck. 我已经尝试使用/ wp-admin /文件夹中的php.ini文件添加此代码“memory_limit = 128M”,但没有运气。

After having this problem recently, I tried all the solutions mentioned all over the internet and I got nothing. 在最近遇到这个问题后,我尝试了互联网上提到的所有解决方案,但我什么也没得到。

You might want to try deactivating your plugins as mentioned Here amongst many other solutions. 你可能会想尝试提到停用您的插件在这里以及许多其他的解决方案。

Try renaming your theme directory to deactivate it (can be done via FTP) 尝试重命名主题目录以停用它(可以通过FTP完成)

Try increasing your PHP MEMORY LIMIT 尝试增加PHP内存限制

Try fixing your .htaccess file 尝试修复.htaccess文件

All these solutions (detailed here ) did not work for me. 所有这些解决方案(详见此处 )对我不起作用。

I checked the server error log and I found that the problem was simply that the directory " wp-admin " was writable by group! 我检查了服务器错误日志,我发现问题只是目录“ wp-admin ”是可写的! So simply changing the permission of that directory from 777 to 755 solved the problem for me! 所以简单地将该目录的权限从777更改为755就解决了我的问题!

Hope this helps someone 希望这有助于某人


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