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[英]Silverligth, how to give an observablecollection of UserControl as itemsource to a listbox

I have a list of observable collection of UserControl in my MVVM silverlight project. 我的MVVM silverlight项目中有一个可观察到的UserControl集合。 I want to give them as source to a listbox datasource. 我想将它们作为列表框数据源的源。 How can I achieve this. 我该如何实现。

 <ListBox VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Style="{StaticResource Menu}" ItemsSource="{Binding Menus}" DisplayMemberPath="Libelle" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}">

<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Menus.UnderControl}" />                                </ListBox>

Thanks. 谢谢。

Let us say you have a UserControl called myUserControl1 , and myUserControl1.Menus is an ObservableCollection . 假设您有一个名为myUserControl1的UserControl,而myUserControl1.Menus是一个ObservableCollection

and you wish to bind myListBox1.ItemsSource to myUserControl1.Menus. 并且您希望将myListBox1.ItemsSource绑定到myUserControl1.Menus。 Then you should use the ElementName key word in your binding. 然后,应在绑定中使用ElementName关键字。 For example: 例如:

<my:CustomControl x:Name="myUserControl1" />
<ListBox x:Name="myListBox1" 
         ItemsSource="{Binding Menus,ElementName=myUserControl1}" />

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