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是否可以在WPF MultiBinding中同时使用转换器和StringFormat?

[英]Is it possible to use both a converter AND a StringFormat in WPF MultiBinding?

I am using the following MultiBinding. 我正在使用以下MultiBinding。 The converter outputs an int and the expected output of the MultiBinding is something like "SomeText|123". 转换器输出一个int,并且MultiBinding的预期输出类似于“ SomeText | 123”。 The Bindings and converter work fine, but the StringFormat doesn't seem to be applied - I just get the int value that the converter outputs. 绑定和转换器工作正常,但是StringFormat似乎没有应用-我只是获得了转换器输出的int值。 Is it possible to apply the StringFormat to the IMultiValueConverter's output? 是否可以将StringFormat应用于IMultiValueConverter的输出?

<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}"
    <Binding />
    <Binding Path="SomePath" />

Thanks! 谢谢!

The issue was that I was binding to a property of type object. 问题是我绑定到类型对象的属性。 by changing this to a string property the stringformat was used as expected. 通过将其更改为字符串属性,可以按预期使用stringformat。

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