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[英]Printing a mixed type dictionary with format in python

I have 我有

d = {'a':'Ali', 'b':2341, 'c':0.2424242421, 'p':3.141592}

I want to print it out to std but I want format the numbers, like remove the excessive decimal places, something like 我想将它打印到std但我想格式化数字,比如删除过多的小数位,就像

{'a':'Ali', 'b':2341, 'c':0.24, 'p':3.14}

obviously I can go through all the items and see if they are a 'type' I want to format and format them and print the results, 显然,我可以浏览所有项目,看看它们是否是“类型”我想格式化并格式化它们并打印结果,

But is there a better way to format all the numbers in a dictionary when __str__() ing or in someway getting a string out to print? 但有没有更好的方法来format字典中的所有数字__str__()或在某种程度上获取字符串打印?

EDIT: 编辑:
I am looking for some magic like: 我正在寻找一些神奇的东西:

'{format only floats and ignore the rest}'.format(d)

or something from the yaml world or similar. 或来自yaml世界或类似的东西。

You can use round for rounding the floats to a given precision. 您可以使用round来将浮动四舍五入到给定的精度。 To identify floats use isinstance : 要识别浮动,请使用isinstance

>>> {k:round(v,2) if isinstance(v,float) else v for k,v in d.iteritems()}
{'a': 'Ali', 'p': 3.14, 'c': 0.24, 'b': 2341}

help on round : 帮助上round

>>> print round.__doc__
round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number

Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).
This always returns a floating point number.  Precision may be negative.

Update: 更新:

You can create a subclass of dict and override the behaviour of __str__ : 您可以创建dict的子类并覆盖__str__的行为:

class my_dict(dict):                                              
    def __str__(self):
        return str({k:round(v,2) if isinstance(v,float) else v 
                                                    for k,v in self.iteritems()})
>>> d = my_dict({'a':'Ali', 'b':2341, 'c':0.2424242421, 'p':3.141592})
>>> print d
{'a': 'Ali', 'p': 3.14, 'c': 0.24, 'b': 2341}
>>> "{}".format(d)
"{'a': 'Ali', 'p': 3.14, 'c': 0.24, 'b': 2341}"
>>> d
{'a': 'Ali', 'p': 3.141592, 'c': 0.2424242421, 'b': 2341}

To convert float to two decimal places, do this: 要将float转换为两位小数,请执行以下操作:

a = 3.141592
b = float("%.2f" % a) #b will have 2 decimal places!
you could also do: 你也可以这样做:
b = round(a,2)

So to beautify your dictionary: 所以要美化你的字典:

newdict = {}
for x in d:
    if isinstance(d[x],float):
        newdict[x] = round(d[x],2)
        newdict[x] = d[x]

you could also do: 你也可以这样做:

newdict = {}
for x in d:
    if isinstance(d[x],float):
        newdict[x] = float("%.2f" % d[x])
        newdict[x] = d[x]

though the first one is recommended! 虽然推荐第一个!

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