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[英]Lifetimes in Rust

Occasionally I've found myself wanting to write functions that can be called in either of two ways: 偶尔我发现自己想要编写可以通过以下两种方式之一调用的函数:

// With a string literal:
let lines = read_file_lines("data.txt");

// With a string pointer:
let file_name = ~"data.txt";
let lines = read_file_lines(file_name);

My first guess was to use a borrowed pointer ( &str ) for the parameter type, but when that didn't work (it only allowed me to use @str and ~str ), I tried the following (by copying the Rust libraries), which did work. 我的第一个猜测是使用借用指针( &str )作为参数类型,但是当它不起作用时(它只允许我使用@str~str ),我尝试了以下(通过复制Rust库),哪个做了。

fn read_file_lines<'a>(path: &'a str) -> ~[~str] {
    let read_result = file_reader(~Path(path));
    match read_result {
        Ok(file) => file.read_lines(),
        Err(e) => fail!(fmt!("Error reading file: %?", e))

The problem is that I don't understand what I'm doing. 问题是我不明白我在做什么。 From what I can gather (mostly from compiler errors), I'm declaring a lifetime on which there is no restriction, and using it to describe the path parameter (meaning that any lifetime can be passed as the parameter). 从我可以收集的内容(主要来自编译器错误),我宣布一个没有限制的生命周期,并使用它来描述path参数(意味着任何生命周期都可以作为参数传递)。

So: 所以:

  • Is my understanding vaguely accurate? 我的理解是否模糊准确?
  • What is a lifetime? 什么是一生? Where can I learn more about them? 我在哪里可以了解更多相关信息?
  • What is the difference between a parameter of type &str and a parameter of type &'a str in the example above? 类型&str的参数&'a str上面示例中&'a str类型的参数之间有什么区别?
  • And while I'm at it, what is 'self ? 虽然我在这,但是什么是'self

(I'm using Rust 0.7, if it makes a difference to the answer) (我正在使用Rust 0.7,如果它对答案有所影响)

Update 2015-05-16 : the code in the original question applied to an old version of Rust, but the concepts remain the same. 更新2015-05-16 :原始问题中的代码应用于旧版本的Rust,但概念保持不变。 This answer has been updated to use modern Rust syntax/libraries. 此答案已更新为使用现代Rust语法/库。 (Essentially changing ~[] to Vec and ~str to String and adjusting the code example at the end.) (本质上改变~[]Vec~strString和调整在端部的代码的例子。)

Is my understanding vaguely accurate? 我的理解是否模糊准确?
[...] [...]
What is the difference between a parameter of type &str and a parameter of type &'a str in the example above? 类型&str的参数和上面示例中&'str类型的参数之间有什么区别?

Yes, a lifetime like that says essentially "no restrictions", sort of. 是的,像这样的一生就基本上说“没有限制”。 Lifetimes are a way to connect output values with inputs, ie fn foo<'a, T>(t: &'a T) -> &'a T says that foo returns a pointer that has the same lifetime as t , that is, the data it points to is valid for the same length of time as t (well, strictly, at least as long as). 生命周期是一种将输出值与输入连接起来的方法,即fn foo<'a, T>(t: &'a T) -> &'a T表示foo返回一个与t具有相同生命周期的指针,即,它指向的数据在与t相同的时间长度内有效(严格地说,至少与此一样长)。 This basically implies that the return value points to some subsection of the memory that t points to. 这基本上意味着返回值指向t指向的内存的某个子部分。

So, a function like fn<'a>(path: &'a str) -> Vec<String> is very similar to writing { let x = 1; return 2; } 所以,像fn<'a>(path: &'a str) -> Vec<String>这样的函数fn<'a>(path: &'a str) -> Vec<String>非常类似于写{ let x = 1; return 2; } { let x = 1; return 2; } { let x = 1; return 2; } ... it's an unused variable. { let x = 1; return 2; } ...这是一个未使用的变量。

Rust assigns default lifetimes when writing &str , and this is exactly equivalent to writing the unused-variable lifetime. 在写&str ,Rust会分配默认生命周期,这与编写未使用的变量生命周期完全相同。 ie fn(path: &str) -> Vec<String> is no different to the version with 'a s. fn(path: &str) -> Vec<String>与带有'a s的版本没有区别。 The only time leaving off a lifetime is different to including it is if you need to enforce a global pointer (ie the special 'static lifetime), or if you want to return a reference (eg -> &str ) which is only possible if the return value has a lifetime (and this must be either the lifetime of one-or-more of the inputs, or 'static ). 离开一生的唯一时间是不同的,包括它是否需要强制执行全局指针(即特殊的'static生命周期),或者如果你想返回一个引用(例如-> &str ),这只有在返回值有一个生命周期(这必须是一个或多个输入的生命周期,或'static )。

What is a lifetime? 什么是一生? Where can I learn more about them? 我在哪里可以了解更多相关信息?

A lifetime is how long the data a pointer points to is guaranteed to exist, eg a global variable is guarantee to last "forever" (so it's got the special lifetime 'static ). 生命周期是指针指向的数据保证存在多长时间,例如全局变量保证持续“永久”(因此它具有特殊的生命周期'static )。 One neat way to look at them is: lifetimes connect data to the stack frame on which their owner is placed; 查看它们的一种巧妙方法是:生命周期将数据连接到其所有者所在的堆栈框架; once that stack frame exits, the owner goes out of scope and any pointers to/into that value/data-structure are no longer valid, and the lifetime is a way for the compiler to reason about this. 一旦该堆栈帧退出,所有者就会超出范围,并且任何指向/进入该值/数据结构的指针都不再有效,并且生命周期是编译器对此进行推理的一种方式。 (With the stack frame view, it is as if @ has a special stack frame associated with the current task, and static s have a "global" stack frame). (使用堆栈帧视图,就好像@具有与当前任务关联的特殊堆栈帧,并且static s具有“全局”堆栈帧)。

There's also a lifetimes chapter of the book , and this gist (NB. the code is now outdated but the concepts are still true) is a neat little demonstration of how one can use lifetimes to avoid having to copy/allocate (with a strong safety guarantee: no possibility of dangling pointers). 本书还有一个生命周期章节这个要点 (注意代码现已过时,但概念仍然是真的)是一个简洁的小演示,说明如何使用生命周期来避免复制/分配(具有强大的安全性)保证:没有悬挂指针的可能性)。

And while I'm at it, what is 'self ? 虽然我在这,但是什么是'self

Literally nothing special, just certain places require types to have lifetimes (eg in struct/enum defintions and in impl s), and currently 'self and 'static are the only accepted names. 从字面上看,没什么特别的,只是某些地方需要类型才能有生命周期(例如在结构/枚举定义和impl ),而目前'self'static是唯一被接受的名称。 'static for global always-valid pointers, 'self for something that can have any lifetime. 'static用于全局永远有效的指针, 'self为可以有任何生命周期的东西。 It's a bug that calling that (non- static ) lifetime anything other than self is an error. 这是调用一个(非错误static )比其他任何一辈子self是一个错误。

All in all, I'd write that function like: 总而言之,我写的功能如下:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::path::Path;

fn read_file_lines(path: &Path) -> Vec<String> {
    match File::open(path) {
        Ok(file) => {
            let read = BufReader::new(file);
            read.lines().map(|x| x.unwrap()).collect()
        Err(e) => panic!("Error reading file: {}", e)

fn main() {
   let lines = read_file_lines(Path::new("foo/bar.txt"));
   // do things with lines

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