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[英]Is there a way to get the posted street speed limits in nokia location api?

Is there a way to get the posted street speed limits in nokia location api? 有没有办法在诺基亚位置api获得公布的街道限速?

Is there any web based API service which provides street speed limits for the united states? 是否有基于网络的API服务为美国提供街道速度限制?

You will need to use the getLinkInfo endpoint from the Enterprise Routing API. 您将需要使用Enterprise Routing API中getLinkInfo端点 . The speedLimit element returned is in m/s so multiply by 3.6 for km/h or 2.23 for mph . 返回的speedLimit元素以m / s为单位,因此乘以km / h为3.6或mph为2.23。 If the speedLimit element is missing then the national speed limit applies. 如果缺少speedLimit元素,则适用国家速度限制。

http://route.st.nlp.nokia.com/routing/6.2/getlinkinfo.json?waypoint=52.5308,13.3846&app_id= your_app_id &app_code= your_app_code http://route.st.nlp.nokia.com/routing/6.2/getlinkinfo.json?waypoint=52.5308,13.3846&app_id= your_app_id &app_code = your_app_code

Since Jason answer is outdated, you should now use/migrate to Here API which is newer and faster. 由于Jason的答案已经过时,您现在应该使用/ migrate to Here API更新更快。

  • You have to use different endpoint. 您必须使用不同的端点。
  • SpeedLimit is returned in m/s aswell. SpeedLimit以m / s为单位返回。

You can make request with: 您可以提出以下要求:

  • GPS coordinates ( doc ): GPS坐标doc ):

or 要么

  • linkId ( doc ) linkIddoc

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