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[英]how to hide a file from readdir() php

My code loops through a directory and displays all the files and folders where I have a index.php file that I don't want to be displayed. 我的代码遍历目录,并显示所有我不想显示的index.php文件的文件和文件夹。


    $directory = 'jocuri';
    $row = 0;

    if ($handle = opendir($directory.'/')) 
        echo '<table border="1">';    
        while ($cat = readdir($handle)) 
            if ($cat != '.' && $cat != '..') 
                if($row==0) echo '<tr>';

                echo '<td align="center">';
                echo '  <a href="'.$directory.'/'.$cat.'" style="text-decoration:none">';
                echo '    <img src="'.$directory.'/'.$cat.'/image.php" style="display:block" />'.str_replace('_', ' ', $cat);
                echo '  </a>';
                echo '</td>';

                if($row == 2) 
                  echo '</tr>';
                  $row = -1;
        echo '</table>';

How can i achieve that? 我该如何实现?

Staying quick and dirty: 保持快速和肮脏:

if ($cat != '.'&&$cat != '..' && $cat != 'index.php'){ ... }

But I'll definitely move to some more consistent method like FilesystemIterator or glob() . 但是我一定会使用一些更一致的方法,例如FilesystemIteratorglob()

while($cat = readdir($handle)) {
  if (in_array($cat, array('.', '..', 'index.php')))

  // display the file here

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