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如何使用openstack.net在rackspace CloudFiles容器中创建Content-Type“application / directory”对象?

[英]How to create an object with Content-Type “application/directory” inside a rackspace CloudFiles Container with openstack.net?

I am trying to create a "directory" inside a Container, as long as I have read the rackspace api, to create it you should create a 0 or 1 byte object and assign the value "application/directory" to the Content-Type. 我正在尝试在Container中创建一个“目录”,只要我读取了rackspace api,创建它就应该创建一个0或1字节的对象,并将值“application / directory”赋给Content-Type。

I tried this: 我试过这个:

var cloudFilesProvider = new CloudFilesProvider(_cloudIdentity);
                Dictionary<string, string> dicHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                dicHeaders.Add("name", "application/directory");
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(1);                
                cloudFilesProvider.CreateObject(ContainerName, ms, DirectoryPath, 0, dicHeaders);

But I get an exception 但我得到一个例外

The 'Content-Type' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method. 必须使用适当的属性或方法修改“Content-Type”标头。 Parameter name: name 参数名称:名称

Do anyone have created these kind of object? 有没有人创造过这种物体?

I think you are adding the wrong header. 我认为你添加了错误的标题。 Instead of "name", try setting the value to "ContentType": 尝试将值设置为“ContentType”而不是“name”:

dicHeaders.Add("ContentType", "application/directory");

Update: I think that in general directories are not needed. 更新:我认为通常不需要目录。 Let's say you create an object, called "User/Foo/Bar.jpg". 假设您创建了一个名为“User / Foo / Bar.jpg”的对象。 If you look in your container through the website, you will the image with this name. 如果您通过网站查看容器,则会显示具有此名称的图像。 However, if you open your container with CyberDuck, you will find a folder User, inside it another one called Foo, and inside it will be the file Bar.jpg. 但是,如果你用Cyber​​Duck打开你的容器,你会发现一个名为User的文件夹,另一个叫做Foo的文件夹,里面是文件Bar.jpg。

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