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[英]Pattern Matching in perl

I want to parse some information from the file. 我想解析文件中的一些信息。

Information in the file: 文件中的信息:



I want to have output like dis 我想输出像dis

$a = Rita_bike_house and $b = Sha9,

$a = Rita_bike_house and $b = "original"

In order to get that I have used the below code: 为了得到我使用了下面的代码:

$name = @_; # This @_ has all the information from the file that I have shown above. 

#For matching pattern Rita_bike_house_Sha9 
($a, $b) = $name =~  /\w\d+/; 

if ($a ne "" and $b ne "" ) { return ($a,$b) } 
# this statement doesnot work at all as its first condition 
# before the end is not satisified. 

Is there any way where I can store "Rita_bike_house" in $a and "Sha9" in $b ? 有什么方法可以在$a存储“ Rita_bike_house”而在$b存储“ Sha9”? I think my regexp is missing with something. 我认为我的正则表达式缺少某些东西。 Can you suggest anything? 你能建议什么吗?

Please don't use the variables $a and $b in your code. 请不要在代码中使用变量$a$b There are used by sort and will confuse you. 有按排序使用,会使您感到困惑。

Try: 尝试:

while( my $line = <DATA> ){
  chomp $line;

  if( $line =~ m{ \A ( \w+ ) _ ( [^_]* \d [^_]* ) \z }msx ){
    my $first = $1;
    my $second = $2;
    print "\$a = $first and \$b = $second\n";
    print "\$a = $line and \$b = \"original\"\n";


Not very nice, but the next: 不是很好,但是下一个:

use strict;
use warnings;

while(<DATA>) {
    next if /^\s*$/;
    my @parts = split(/_/);
    my $b = pop @parts if $parts[$#parts] =~ /\d/;
    $b //= '"original"';
    my $a = join('_', @parts);
    print "\$a = $a and \$b = $b,\n";


prints: 打印:

$a = Rita_bike_house and $b = Sha9,
$a = Rita_bike_house and $b = "original",

If you are sure that the pattern which is required will always be similar to 'Sha9' and also it will appear at the end then just do a greedy matching.... 如果您确定所需的模式始终与“ Sha9”相似并且也将显示在末尾,则只需进行贪婪的匹配即可。...

open FILE, "filename.txt" or die $!;
my @data = <FILE>;
#my $line = "Rita_bike_house_Sha9";
foreach $line (@data)
    if ($line =~ m/(.*?)(_([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+))?$/)
        $a = $1;
        $b = $3 ? $3 : "original";

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