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[英]Truncate text in RichTextBox and TextBox

I am using RichTextBox and TextBox for showing some information which is collected during several days. 我正在使用RichTextBoxTextBox来显示几天收集的一些信息。 So there are a lot of strings inside it after couple days and I get OutOfMemory exception. 因此,几天后它里面有很多字符串,我得到OutOfMemory异常。 I think this error occurs because of lots of data. 我认为发生此错误是因为有大量数据。 Is there some properties or functions which allow to limit number of strings inside RichTextBox and TextBox ? 是否有一些属性或函数可以限制RichTextBoxTextBox内部的字符串数? I need to truncate only old strings which are in the beggining of list. 我只需要截断列表开头的旧字符串。 For instance, take a look at picture below: 例如,看下面的图片:


Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I created simple code which allows me to resolve this problem. 我创建了简单的代码,可以解决这个问题。 For TextBox : 对于TextBox

if (limitLines>0 && simpleTextBox.LineCount > limitLines)
   string tempText = "";
   for (int i = simpleTextBox.LineCount-limitLines; i < simpleTextBox.LineCount; i++)
      tempText += simpleTextBox.GetLineText(i);
   simpleTextBox.Text = tempText;


For RichTextBox : 对于RichTextBox

        TextRange tr = new TextRange(richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd, richTextBox.Document.ContentEnd);
        tr.Text = text + "\r\n";           
        tr.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty, solidColorBrush);

        if (limitLines > 0 && richTextBox.Document.Blocks.Count > limitLines)
            for (int i = richTextBox.Document.Blocks.Count - limitLines; i < richTextBox.Document.Blocks.Count; i++)

I hope it helps to someone else! 希望对您有所帮助!

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