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[英]sql calculate delta between the column value for one day and the previous day

I have a query like this: 我有这样的查询:

;WITH A AS (SELECT * FROM T1 where T1.targetDate=@inputdate), 
      B AS (SELECT A.*, T2.SId, T2.Type, T2.Value
            FROM A 
            INNER JOIN T2 ON A.SId = T2.SId )
SELECT A.*, B.Type, B.Value 

My question is, instead of getting the Value for @inputdate, how to get the delta of Value between @inputdate and the previous day (DATEADD(day, -1, @inputdate )) ? 我的问题是,而不是得到的Value@inputdate,如何获得的增量Value之间@inputdate和前一天(DATEADD(day, -1, @inputdate ))

Edited : 编辑

Sorry for not being clear, the 'Value' is of type int. 抱歉,不清楚,“值”的类型为int。 For example, if @inputdate = '20130708' , the Value for '20130708' is 30, and the 'Value' for previous day '20130707' is 20, so it should return (30 - 20) which is 10. 例如,如果@inputdate = '20130708' ,则Value为“20130708”是30,而对于前一天的20130707'的“值”为20,所以它应返回(30 - 20),这是10。

Something like this, and assuming that Value is DATE format 像这样,并假设Value为DATE格式

;WITH A AS (SELECT * FROM T1 where T1.targetDate=@inputdate), 
      B AS (SELECT A.*, T2.SId, T2.Type, T2.Value
            FROM A 
            INNER JOIN T2 on A.SId = T2.SId )
SELECT A.*, T2.Type, T2.Value, DATEDIFF(DAY, b.Value, DATEDADD(DAY, -1,@InputDate)) AS Delta

let's say you have a stock prices table: which has the symbol, date and closing prices etc, you could use something like this: 假设您有一个股票价格表:其中包含交易品种,日期和收盘价等信息,您可以使用以下代码:

select symb, ret_dt, close, (close-(lead(close,1) over (partition by symb order by ret_dt desc,close)))as difference, (lead(close,1) over 
(partition by symb order by ret_dt desc,close)) as lead
from stocks.nyse2010;

Note: here ret_dt is the date, close is the closing price and I have added an additional lead column for representational purposes. 注意:此处ret_dt是日期,收盘价是收盘价,为了说明目的,我添加了一个额外的潜在客户列。

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