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在Sql Server 2008中获取Guid.getHashCode()的等效值

[英]getting the equivalent value of Guid.getHashCode() in Sql Server 2008

I'm trying to get the equivalent int value of guid.getHashCode() in SQL Server 2008. I've tried CHECKSUM(uniqueidentifier var) but it does not return the same value. 我正在尝试在SQL Server 2008中获取guid.getHashCode()的等效int值。我尝试过CHECKSUM(uniqueidentifier var),但它没有返回相同的值。 Is it possible to get the HashCode value of a guid in SQL Server? 是否有可能在SQL Server中获取guid的HashCode值?

For example 例如

Guid guid = new Guid("A0AE0446-3C50-479A-A909-3BA9C711007E"); 
int hash = guid.GetHashCode();, 

returns -1476508766, is it possible to get the same value in sql server? 返回-1476508766,是否可以在sql server中获取相同的值?

To do this you need to know how the Guid.GetHashCode() calculates the value. 为此,您需要知道Guid.GetHashCode()如何计算值。 Using DotPeek: 使用DotPeek:

public override int GetHashCode()
  return this._a ^ ((int) this._b << 16 | (int) (ushort) this._c) ^ ((int) this._f << 24 | (int) this._k);

where the private variables hold the value of the Guid and are declared as: 私有变量保存Guid的值,并声明为:

private int _a;
private short _b;
private short _c;
private byte _d;
private byte _e;
private byte _f;
private byte _g;
private byte _h;
private byte _i;
private byte _j;
private byte _k;

Implemented as a T-SQL function: 实现为T-SQL函数:

create function dbo.GetDotNetHashCode(@guid uniqueidentifier)
returns int

    -- calculates a hash code value equivalent to .NETs Guid.GetHashCode() method

    declare @bytes binary(16) = cast(@guid as binary(16)),
            @hashCode int

    -- when converting to binary, the byte order of the first 3 segments is reversed

    declare @_a int = convert(int, 
                            substring(@bytes, 4, 1) + 
                            substring(@bytes, 3, 1) + 
                            substring(@bytes, 2, 1) + 
                            substring(@bytes, 1, 1))

    declare @_b int = convert(smallint, 
                            substring(@bytes, 6, 1) + 
                            substring(@bytes, 5, 1))

    declare @_c int = convert(int, 
                            substring(@bytes, 8, 1) + 
                            substring(@bytes, 7, 1))

    declare @_f int = convert(int, substring(@bytes, 11, 1))
    declare @_k int = convert(int, substring(@bytes, 16, 1))

    -- shift @_b using a bigint to avoid overflow
    -- left shift 16 is equivalent to multiplying by 2^16

    declare @_b_shift bigint = cast(@_b as bigint) * 65536
    set @_b = convert(int, substring(cast(@_b_shift as varbinary(8)), 5, 4))

    -- shift @_f using a bigin to avoid overflow
    -- left shift 24 is equivalent to multiplying by 2^24

    declare @_f_shift bigint = cast(@_f as bigint) * 16777216
    set @_f = convert(int, substring(cast(@_f_shift as varbinary(8)), 5, 4))

    set @hashCode = @_a ^ (@_b | @_c) ^ (@_f | @_k)

    return @hashCode


and tested with the following (the comment has the expected values from calling Guid.GetHashCode() ): 并使用以下测试(注释具有调用Guid.GetHashCode()的预期值):


aeee939b-d2c8-4411-9cf9-94ab520e3c1c : -400107626
88ed5159-7900-4530-9886-841b7d42665b : 1978471474
2910ba35-ab2f-42a5-aed1-ea710d25a42e : 1749022910
0430b8b0-981b-4f1a-82fb-afe0725e8fd3 :  858519417
ba8cd9e4-fa1d-4ead-9145-b830aea6a641 : -124676344
9d5b5203-a2d4-4b8e-86dd-7eb5e4250960 : 1099897325
28b88e48-acc4-4f74-be28-4fcb92ad8c55 : -881016471
892056e9-dde1-4999-92ba-6c74b4a583c2 :  952180658
f0c3d3b5-bffc-4bda-b45a-70825f33b01f : 1061132400
df218e55-d672-48aa-b105-47578869068d : 1314113138


declare @test table (Guid uniqueidentifier)

insert @test values

select Guid, dbo.GetDotNetHashCode(Guid) as HashCode from @test

Note: this was tested in SQL Server 2012, but I believe it will also work in 2008. 注意:这是在SQL Server 2012中测试的,但我相信它也可以在2008年使用。



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