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[英]Java regex to split a string by using different delimiters

Suppose I want to split a string by either space character or the %20 string, how should I write my regex? 假设我想用空格字符或%20字符串拆分字符串,我该怎么写我的正则表达式?

I tried the following, but it didn't work. 我尝试了以下,但它没有用。

String regex = "[\\s+, %20]";
String str1 =  "abc%20xyz";
String str2 = "abc xyz";


The regex doesn't seem to work on str1 . 正则表达式似乎不适用于str1

use the alternation | 使用交替| :

String regex = "(?:\\s+|%20)+";
String regex = "(\\s{1}+|%20{1}+)";

If you want to split by ONE space or ONE "%20", try this: 如果你想拆分一个空格或一个“%20”,试试这个:

String regex = "(\\s|%20)";

If you want to split by AT LEAST ONE space or AT LEAST ONE "%20", then try this: 如果你想分开至少一个空格或至少一个“%20”,那么试试这个:

String regex = "(\\s+|(%20)+)";

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