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[英]How can I return different array lists types on java?

I have one method in which I create and add items to 3 array lists, 2 of them <String> and the other one as <Integer> . 我有一种方法可以在其中创建项目并将其添加到3个数组列表中,其中两个为<String> ,另一个为<Integer> The problem is that I need to use them (all 3) in another method which will remove the item(s) that I want to remove from them. 问题是我需要在另一种方法中使用它们(全部3种),这将删除我要从它们中删除的项目。

This is the "add" method: 这是“添加”方法:

public static void Hire () throws IOException{
    String name;
    String category,st_wage,st_id;
    int wage,id;

    BufferedReader ob_name = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    BufferedReader ob_category = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    BufferedReader ob_wage = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    BufferedReader ob_id = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    //name on name_list[id]
    //cat. on cat_list[id]
    //wage on wage_list[id]
    System.out.println("Driver Name: ");

    name = ob_name.readLine();

    System.out.println("Driver License: ");
    System.out.println("1 - Motorcycle");
    System.out.println("2 - Van");
    System.out.println("3 - Truck");

    category = ob_category.readLine();

    System.out.println("Wage: ");

    st_wage = ob_wage.readLine();
    wage = Integer.parseInt(st_wage);

    System.out.println("Driver ID: ");

    st_id = ob_id.readLine();
    id = Integer.parseInt(st_id);

    ArrayList<String> name_list = new ArrayList<String>();
    name_list.add(id, name);

    ArrayList<String> cat_list = new ArrayList<String>();
    cat_list.add(id, category);

    ArrayList<Integer> wage_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    wage_list.add(id, wage);



And this is the "remove" method: 这是“删除”方法:

public static void Fire (ArrayList<String> name_list, ArrayList<String> cat_list, ArrayList<String> wage_list) throws IOException{
    int id;
    BufferedReader ob_id = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    BufferedReader ob_op = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
    //name on name_list[id]
    //cat on cat_list[id]
    //wage on wage_list[id]
    System.out.println("Driver ID: ");

    String st_id = ob_id.readLine();
    id = Integer.parseInt(st_id);

    String name = name_list.get(id);

    System.out.println("Are You Sure to fire Driver "+name+"? (Y/N)");

    char op = (char) ob_op.read();

    if(op == 'Y' || op == 'y'){





You will get Array Index out of bound exception when adding elements in list with own index. 在具有自己索引的列表中添加元素时,将获得数组索引超出范围的异常。 For your requirement all your need is a simple class 根据您的要求,您只需要一门简单的课

public class Driver {
  public String id ;
  public String name ;
  public String category ;
  public double wage ;

  public Driver(String id, String name) {
    this.id = id;
    this.name =name;

  // getter and setter methods

Create a new instance of Driver after getting all inputs from user and keep it in a Map 从用户获得所有输入后,创建一个新的Driver实例并将其保存在Map

// Key = driverId and value = DriverEntity   
HashMap<String,Driver> map = new HashMap();

Further you can add or remove with driver Id. 此外,您可以使用驱动程序ID添加或删除。

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