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通过传递一个表达式来调用使用反射的方法 <Func<T, object> &gt;

[英]Invoke a method using reflection by passing an Expression<Func<T, object>>

Following my own question it has occured to me that I now need to invoke the same service and the same method by passing an Expression<Func<T, object>> to my method. 根据我自己的问题 ,我想到现在需要通过将Expression<Func<T, object>>传递给我的方法来调用相同的服务和相同的方法。 Here is the method definition: 这是方法定义:

IList<T> List(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] includeProperties);

Here is the code I have right now: 这是我现在拥有的代码:

  //Get generic type
  var entityRelationType = typeof(Applicant).Assembly.GetType(string.Format("Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.{0}", tableRelation.RelationEntityName));

  //create service that will receive the generic type
  var definitionIService = typeof(IService<>).MakeGenericType(entityRelationType);

  //instantiate the service using Unity (todo: fix singleton)
  var serviceInstance = UnitySingleton.Container.Resolve(definitionIService, "");

  //create the argument for the method that we invoke
  var paramsType =
            .MakeGenericType(entityRelationType, typeof(object))).MakeArrayType();

#region Get Dynamic Data
   ParameterExpression relationParameter = Expression.Parameter(entityRelationType, "");

   //build the parameter that we want to pass to the method (Expression<Func<T, object>>
   var include =
                    Expression.Property(relationParameter,  tableRelation.NaviguationProprietyName),

dynamic datas = constructedIService
                            .GetMethod("List", new Type[] { paramsType }).Invoke(serviceInstance, new object[] { include });

The include successfully creates my lambda expression (Param_0 => Param_0.Groupings) which I believed would be my Expression<Func<T, object>> . 包含成功创建了我的lambda表达式(Param_0 => Param_0.Groupings),我相信这将是我的Expression<Func<T, object>> However, since Param_0.Groupings is actually an IList, I get an exception: 但是,由于Param_0.Groupings实际上是一个IList,因此出现异常:

Object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression 1[System.Func 2[Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.CLLI,System.Collections.Generic.IList 1[Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.Grouping]]]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression 1[System.Func`2[Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.CLLI,System.Object]][]'. 类型为'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression 1[System.Func 2 [Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.CLLI,System.Collections.Generic.IList 1[Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.Grouping]]]' cannot be converted to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.Expression 1 [System.Func`2 [Permet.BackEnd.ETL.Domain.Models.CLLI,System.Object]] []'。

Which basically means that my Expression<Func<CLLI, IList<Grouping>>> cannot be use in my method which expects a Expression<Func<CLLI, object>> . 这基本上意味着我的Expression<Func<CLLI, IList<Grouping>>>无法在我的需要Expression<Func<CLLI, object>>

If I actually call my service directly doing: 如果我实际上直接致电我的服务:

IService<CLLI> clliService = new Service<CLLI>();
clliService.List(clli => clli.Groupings);

It works. 有用。

How would I go around this issue? 我将如何解决这个问题? Isn't an IList an object? IList不是对象吗?

The problem is that Expression<T> is invariant, so even if you have a type T which can be assigned to type U , that doesn't mean that Expression<T> can be assigned to Expression<U> . 问题在于Expression<T>是不变的,因此即使您具有可以分配给类型U T类型,也不意味着可以将Expression<T>分配给Expression<U> In your case, T is Func<CLI, IList<Grouping>> and U is Func<CLLI, object> . 在您的情况下, TFunc<CLI, IList<Grouping>>UFunc<CLLI, object>

I think the only solution is to create a function to wrap a given expression in an Expression<Func<T, object>> which delegates to the inner expression and casts the result to object : 我认为唯一的解决方案是创建一个函数,将给定的表达式包装在Expression<Func<T, object>> ,该Expression<Func<T, object>>委托内部表达式并将结果转换为object

public static Expression<Func<T, object>> ConvertResult<T, TOut>(Expression<Func<T, TOut>> expr)
    var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
    var invokeExpr = Expression.Invoke(expr, paramExpr);
    var castExpr = Expression.Convert(invokeExpr, typeof(object));

    return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>(castExpr, paramExpr);

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