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水豚“ check()”不检查字段

[英]Capybara “check()” not checking field

I have the following form element 我有以下表单元素

<div class="control-group no-margin">
        <div class="controls">
                <label for="user_terms_and_conditions" class="checkbox">
                    <input id="user_terms_and_conditions" name="user[terms_and_conditions]" type="checkbox" > I accept the Open Vault <a href="/blog/terms-and-conditions">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>

but my capybara test is not properly checking the checkbox with the following 但是我的水豚测试未正确选中以下复选框

check 'user_terms_and_conditions' unless terms_and_conditions.nil?

or 要么

find('#user_terms_and_conditions').set(true) unless terms_and_conditions.nil?

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? There is a validation in the model to make sure its true and it keeps returning the error that this must be checked. 模型中存在一个验证,以确保其正确,并不断返回必须检查的错误。 When i do this with my eyeballs in the browser it works fine. 当我用浏览器的眼球这样做时,它可以正常工作。

Turns out switching from selenium to webkit for the default_driver was all it needed to work. 事实证明,从硒切换到webkit是default_driver所需的全部工作。 For some reason selenium didn't like checking checkboxes in my environment. 由于某种原因,硒不喜欢在我的环境中选中复选框。 I suppose I should have just used webkit from the start. 我想我应该从一开始就使用webkit。

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